CANCUN, QR, Friday 1 April 2011.
+ Luis González Flores will be the Secretary of Government Roberto Borge Angulo
+ Gonzalo Herrera, Controller; pattern repeats Azueta Education; Mendicuti to See
+ Carlos Hernandez, Attorney, Ruiz Morcillo, in Sintra, Gongora in Finance ... By CARLOS CANTON
Zetina * carlos_cantonz@hotmail.com
About the integration of his cabinet, Roberto Borge Angulo said would have "surprises." And what the hay! ...
The Secretary of Government in the administration to lead the PRI from Tuesday 5 is none other than the architect Luis González Flores, who has just completed his term as deputy president of the Great Commission in the Congress of Quintana Roo.
this appointment, which is a "bombshell" - others, not he, had been mentioned for the position - was released this journalist sources close to the president-elect.
also revealed that at least ten relevant partners Félix González Canto are practically "tied" to join the class team of Borge. Some have a very questionable track record. Two repeated in the same position they play now.
But he will announce the successor to Gonzalez Canto, is in fact a "transition Cabinet." In no more than a year there will be a shake almost everywhere. From now expected: many will be relieved.
These are the names of those who are "doves" ... and surprises: 1 .- Gonzalo Herrera
Castillo, actual titular de Hacienda, pasará a ser Secretario de la Contraloría. Manejó bien las finanzas del estado aún en tiempos de severas crisis.
2.- Eduardo Patrón Azueta continuará siendo Secretario de Educación (Seq). Su desempeño no ha sido tan eficaz pero…
3.- Manuel Valencia Cardín, Secretario Particular del gobernador Félix González Canto desde el 7 de diciembre de 2009, lo será también de Borge Angulo. Leal y eficiente funcionario, fue presidente de la Gran Comisión del Congreso local y Secretario de Cultura.
4.- Gabriel Mendicuti Loria, quien estuvo al frente de dos secretarías (Sintra y Sedari) en esta administración, será el nuevo Secretario Economic Development (Headquarters). It is the most disputed and controversial.
5 .- Carlos Hernández Blanco, current Secretary of Labor, would become attorney general of the state (PGJE). Has given good accounts. Although for this position is also referred to Venamo Vivas Victor Vivas, the current judge of the Tribunal Electoral de Quintana Roo (Teqroo). Both meet the legal requirement of being a lawyer.
6 .- Eduardo Martínez Ovando, even Secretary of Government, would be head of the Ministry of Agricultural Development, Rural and Indigenous (SEDARI), a position which also places Atondo Francisco Machado, or the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare (STyPS). Former senator and former representative of the Governor in the northern state, has experience and political sensitivity, mediator, and discreet.
7 .- Javier Díaz Carvajal, Secretary of Urban Development and Environment (Sedum), an agency that will disappear, it would be the holder of any of the newly created units. It is efficient, and most recently was mentioned as a likely Secretary. Was not enough ...
Alcerreca 8 .- Victor Manuel Sanchez, would the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport (Sintra) to an independent agency. Lack of good letters. 9 .- Francisco Alor
Quezada, attorney general, became head of the Legal Counsel of the State Government. Its performance has been strongly criticized. 10 .- Antonio Baduy
Moscoso, Senior state government, would become Chief of Staff of the government. It has been managed with efficiency and low profile.
Other appointments which may make known the governor Borge on the eve of his inauguration:
a) Fabian Fenced, private secretary of state executive. People in close relationships to Beto, and they want to keep: very close to him.
b) Andrés Ruiz Morcillo, owner of Sintra. His tenure as mayor of Othon P. Blanco (Chetumal) was abysmal.
c) Eliezer Villanueva Lanz, Senior state government, or director of the Institute of Housing Development and Property Adjustment (Infova). Despite being a great friend of Borges, with whom he worked when he was Chief Clerk, not the Secretary of Health and has been managed as a dentist and doctors groups are calling a general practitioner.
d) Juan Carlos González Hernández, Secretary of Tourism. Comes, as his counterpart Ruiz Morcillo, with a dark background as mayor of Cozumel.
e) Gongora Mauricio Escalante, treasurer of Solidarity, Secretary of the Treasury.
f) Juan Hernández Pacheco, Secretary of Planning and Regional Development (Seplader).
g) Claudia Romanillos, Treasurer General of the state.
h) Cora Amalia Castilla Madrid - as former PRI president of Quintana Roo - Ministry of Culture.
i) Mary Hadad Castillo, Secretary of Culture.
j) Román Quian Alcocer, head of Port Authority of Quintana Roo (API). It is another mayor - this, Solidarity - which would have incurred many vices.
k) José Alberto Alonso Ovando, local elected deputy director of the Committee on Water Supply and Sewerage (CAPA). It will not be Secretary of Education as it has been speculated.
l) Armando Álvarez González, Technical Secretary of the Cabinet (Setec).
m) Rangel Rosado Ruiz, head of the Government Spokesperson Unit.
n) Quintana Roo System of Social Communication (SQCS), Victoriano Robles Cruz (and was Speaker of the State Government), but also mentions Chan Lilian Villanueva, Felipe Hernandez Garcia, Misael Pacheco López Rangel Rosado Ruiz.
o) Chan Lilian Villanueva, president of the Quintana Roo Women's Institute (QMI).
p) Arturo Martínez Fernández, director of the College of Bachelors of the State of Quintana Roo (Cobaqroo).
q) Emilio Jiménez Ancona, head of the College of Professional Technical Education of the state (CONALEP).
r) Hassan Villanueva, director Commission for Youth and Sport of Quintana Roo (Cojudeq).
s) Radilla Israel Hernandez, head of the National Population Council (co-wives).
t) Gustavo Garcia Bradley, head of the Institute for Work Training (ICAT).
u) José Luis Amezcua Mendoza, Director of Citizen Services (DAC).
v) Laura Fernandez, president of the PRI in Benito Juárez (Cancún), with the task of recovering the municipality.
w) Raúl Contreras Castillo, head of CECYTA. It also sounds Norman Medina.
x) Setting Coral Aguilar, head of IEEEA.
y) Carlos Gonzalez Blanco, director of the Institute of Real Estate Assets de la Administración Pública del estado (IPAE).
z) Melissa López Guzmán, directora general del DIF estatal.
LOS QUE FALTAN.- No ha trascendido quién será el Secretario de Salud. Borge tenía “palomeado” a su ex colaborador Eliézer Villanueva pero --ya lo dijimos— hubo oposición del gremio médico. Tampoco quiénes serán los titulares de las tres secretarías creadas recientemente en lugar de Seduma: Desarrollo Social, Desarrollo Urbano y Ecología y Medio Ambiente. Aunque se da como un hecho que esta última está reservada para el PVEM. Igual ocurre con la Procuraduría de Protección al Ambiente, another unit that has just been formed. In some of these units could be placed Javier Díaz Carvajal. --------------------- -------------
* Carlos Canton Zetina Tabasco is a journalist with extensive professional experience 45. He was a reporter and Chief Information Officer of the newspaper Excelsior and general manager of national magazines Quehacer Political Controversy and Traces. Http://carloscantonzetinadice.blogspot.com
Twitter: @ cantonzetina
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