CANCUN, QR, Saturday April 9, 2011.
THE "Cochineros"
+ Soon corruption began to emerge in the Quintana Roo units
+ General accuses Villa Bibiano SSP irregularities and creates a scandal ...!
+ Roberto Borge in a jam, there was also mismanagement CAPA, Infova, etc.
By Carlos Canton Zetina *
began carlos_cantonz@hotmail.com
to surface the "Cochineros" in some units during the six years that has just ended! ...
irregularities and placed in a chute true to the new PRI governor of Quintana Roo, Roberto Borge Angulo. Much sooner than I expected, will have to decide whether or not against former - or current officials - who have committed negligence, omission, inefficiency or outright corruption.
For now, nobody but the general duranguense Bibiano Villa Carlos Castillo has put in so many embarrassing situations in a few days, the president treintayuñero. And frankly, nobody knows if this will produce good citizens, or just the opposite.
First came his controversial statements that he killed the "Zetas" before questioning. His blunder came just as he had appointed the then president-elect. He said the daily La Jornada, and then denied his own statement. That has not killed anyone and respects human rights, it said.
And just hours after the Tuesday 5 took over ownership of the State Public Security Secretariat (SSP), the military and amorous sixties and was confronted with three very in the spirit of former Gov. Felix Gonzalez Canto, therefore, estimated by the Cozumel already shipped in the Government Palace in Chetumal:
1 .- Real Admiral Miguel Angel Ramos, outgoing police chief.
2 .- Luis González Flores, the new Secretary of Government, González Canto uncle and former president of the Great Commission of the local Congress. 3.-Pavia
Luis Mendoza, the governor's advisor on security, like a post he held during the administration of Felix. He owns radio stations such as Sun Stereo.
Certainly, none of the three alleged victims in the gruff general are well accepted by the majority of Quintana Roo. It is considered that did not meet well.
But it is also a fact that particularly suits Borge no scandals to occur within your team when management is just beginning!. Much less, which have come at a time when Cancun was made a global convention on crime, which was closed by President Felipe Calderón.
will be asked whether it was appropriate that Mr. Bibiano, before starting their "implacable" fight against criminals, pointing with his heavy weapons to people close to the supreme leader who "give life" according to its own expression.
No doubt it is a necessary purge that began in the SSP, which includes the waiver of 45 managers and 12 consultants. The intention is to replace military personnel in his confidence, brought Torreón where he was chief. It also ordered the disarming of all elements of the corporation. Among the dismissed officials are notorious as Didier Vázquez Méndez, deputy director of Public Safety; Gumersindo Cuervo Jimenez, Commissioner of Public Safety and Ongay Jaime Ortiz, director of Social Rehabilitation.
The bad news is sparking an embarrassing spectacle of bickering that even the governor was forced for Engagement. Sad start show regime that threatens to continue.
Again, the character surfaced bronco and general language of release: called a "mess" to the SSP and refused to sign the minutes of the handover. Between irregularities found, he said, was the "disappearance" of government vehicles and a host of commission agents. This put him in the dock to its predecessor Ramos Real, who - vox populi - did not fully comply function. It is alleged that both were locked in a bitter argument.
"Pa 'jaral Bulls, mesmo horses there," goes a popular saying. And so, as another character - a few fleas - González Flores, try to amend the flat Villa: "no mess (...) is a colloquial expression generally." Even warned that it will review the dismissal of staff in the SSP "because it's not overnight." He recalled that all government agencies, owners have 30 days to answer any questions about the conditions under which receive the position. "There is nothing dirty in the process of the handover of this Department," he concluded.
And what did the general? Reaffirm that it is all a "mess" that you are leaving the vice admiral. The irascible uncle Felix was silent ... for now.
In another episode of "affair", Pavia Mendoza reacted violently - bronze, like the others - just because Bibiano (in this version) was required to report to work to earn the high salary that has been assigned, and to do so wearing the uniform. It must be said: Many people, in recent years, complained of the arrogance and use of it incurred by the adviser and now Gonzalez Canto Borge Angulo.
Microphone in hand, used a program Pavia Stereo Sol "defend" and launch outbursts, like the one described as "crazy" in general. She accused him of trying to "own" the SSP, placing his unconditional and taking "unilateral actions." He also criticized the military for being manipulated and based on "Subjective comments" by journalist Isabel Arvide.
"The retired general told us that we are lazy, he brought his fat 30 to take over security," he said. And to cap his angry reaction, warned that the country will
As a kicker, announced he will leave the country on the grounds that there is no guarantee to stay in the corporation, in addition to "fear for the integrity of his family."
At its peak the show, Borge had to remove and clear to jump in on Thursday 7: "I talked to Luis Pavia (...) I think there was a misunderstanding. Everything is in stability, harmony and arrangement is good to work together in the Secretariat. And then follows a consultant on security of my government. "
As Isabel Arvide, is a journalist from the time he was general partner of Absalon Castellanos in Chiapas, has been very close to the military hierarchy. He came aboard the plane that arrived in Chetumal - a few days - the general Bibiano Villa, which speaks of the close friendship between them.
There are reports that the elected mayor of Cozumel, Aurelio Joaquin Gonzalez would have expressed their displeasure against Arvide because supposedly called to tell her that she would send 15 officers "and trained for fighting the drug and thus enhance security of the island. " On Thursday 7, in your Twitter account, the PRI munícipe wrote: "I deny categorically that Directors Hall of Administration from 2011 to 2013 (which he lead from 10 April) are foreign. Cozumel shine! ".
In this column we said that Bibiano was recommended by the former governor of Coahuila, Humberto Moreira Valdés, now a national leader of the PRI, and the Department of Defense would only have given its approval.
And - what a coincidence! - Arvide journalist was the promoter of the so-called "Model Coahuila, which walked Moreira in 2009 to militarize the state and municipal police, beginning in Saltillo, Monclova and Ramos Arizpe, and then spread to Phoenix (with General Villa) and other municipalities. The project was led by the very Arvide but ... did not work. WikiLeaks was qualified as "baby steps." Crime continued to rise in northern entity. The communications expert was relieved by the governor of Coahuila, but now wants to impose here the "outfit" so that it will be paying a fortune.
------------ o ------------- OTHER "Cochineros" bad accounts .- If it is, soon we will know the cluster of abnormalities strategic dependencies Commission as the Commission Water and Sewerage (CAPA), whose owner until April 5th Fleet was the rogue Pedro Alcocer and now - God help us! - director of the Institute of Housing Development and Property Adjustment (Infova) .
Everybody says it: the Infova is a "mess" equal to or worse than CAPA. Among other niceties, have been used as "petty cash" to fund campaigns of PRI. There was substantial diversion of federal resources, especially. In the following days we will address the issue extensively.
AND CASTRO BASTO .- In our previous column we refer to the "little business" of the new owner of Sintra, the former local congressman Mario Castro Basto. Several readers We have sent more data. One said: "We need to see money wasted on the road with his 'assistant' and the car was purchased. This is easy to see because she lives here (in Cancun, one assumes). " ------------------------- -----------------
* Carlos Canton Zetina is a Tabasco journalist with an extensive career of 45 years. He was a reporter and Chief Information Officer of the newspaper Excelsior and general manager of national magazines Quehacer Political Controversy and Traces. Http://carloscantonzetinadice.blogspot.com
Twitter: @ cantonzetina
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