CANCUN, QR, Saturday 2 April 2011.
+ Gabriel, Roman Quian, Andrés Ruiz Morcillo and Juan Carlos González
+ Question appointments society some alleged "Beto" Borge
+ Santiago Alvarado would be Secretary of Health, Carlos Hernandez, Attorney
For ideal
CANTON CARLOS Zetina * Carlos_cantonz@hotmail.com
was officially confirmed yesterday that Gonzalo Herrera Castillo is the new Secretary of the Comptroller, and Gongora Mauricio Escalante the Treasury. Just hours before this column was published where we assume these appointments, as well as others who would to be announced, to form the cabinet of the PRI Roberto Borge Angulo whose inauguration as governor of Quintana Roo is on Tuesday 5 April.
No analyst or columnist mentioned before the Finance Minister Felix efficient, Herrera Castillo, for the position I personally gave the president yet - also tri-Félix González Canto, who said that both appointments were made in agreement with his virtual successor. There is full ownership, then.
Nor do any of the politicos in news media predicted that the former local congressman Luis González Flores will be the new Secretary of Government, the second in importance only to the governor. In KNOWN! (Friday April 1, CABINET OF SURPRISES) gave the premiere. Similarly
we announced other appointments have already received "green light" the elected president. On Monday 4, where reveal who will form his cabinet in transition (all will be tested, and several changes are planned no less than a year), will see if our information was correct.
We said we did not know who the next Secretary of Health, given that in that area, things get complicated for Borge, who originally was located near his friend and former partner in the Administrative Office: Eliezer Villanueva Lanz. The doctors groups objected to it because no dentist and general practitioner, as is most suitable for the post.
Today we can say, based on data from reliable sources that there are two prospects for Sesa, in this order of possibilities: Santiago Alvarado and Perez, and Arturo Miranda Toledo. Both are general practitioners, and great prestige among the community.
Alvarado was, until September past president of the College of Physicians merited Quintana Roo. However, its main "medal" is that had an active and effective participation in health brigades Borge walked across the state as part of his election campaign last year. It was a great help for the candidate to access - and help - to the most remote communities. And to win votes! ...
Toledo has a great reputation, and has also been a director of the College of Physicians. We have a close friendship with Alvarado. Regarding
who gave yesterday as state attorney general likely in the next administration, Carlos Rafael Hernández Blanco, it seems that is the qualified by virtue of their vast experience - even though only 44 years old - as a public servant, especially in the areas of administration of justice, and the PRI. Holds a law degree from the Universidad Autonoma de Yucatan.
Indeed, even Secretary of Labor, was appointed in February 2009 - and who is Cozumel like Gonzalez Canto as Borge, have enough curriculum. Among other positions they played:
- Parliamentary Secretary of the PGR delegation circuit in Merida.
- Assistant Secretary of the director of Fonatur.
- Secretary private technical and federal Tourism Minister (Peter Joaquín Coldwell).
- Secretary of Legal Affairs of the Secretariat of Government of Quintana Roo.
- Under Secretary for Political Development in the same Government Department.
- Private Secretary to the Governor of Quintana Roo (1996-1998)
- local representative for the District VIII Quintana Roo (1999-2001), where he was chairman of the Judiciary Committee.
- PRI state president from 2000 to 2001.
- Mayor of Cozumel (2002-2005).
- Representative of Governor Gonzalez Canto in the northern state (2005-2007). ------------- O -------------
repudiates .- From the list of probable members of the team we released borgista yesterday, there are characters whose past black has earned almost universal social rejection. It is, for example, Gabriel Mendicuti Loria, and "dove" with Borge to lead the Department of Economic Development (Headquarters). As mayor of Solidarity and former head of Sintra and SEDARI, engaged in a lengthy chain of errors, omissions, negligence (remember the "Distributor Road" in Cancun that resulted in three deaths, just last year), corruption and illicit enrichment with construction . This reporter has documented many of their trans.
The three mayors who would be on the team's governor-elect also have deadly Background: Roman Quian Alcocer, Solidarity - is director of API -; Juan Carlos Gonzalez Hernandez, Cozumel, who are already "tied" as the next Secretary of Tourism, and Andrés Ruiz Morcillo, the grim and cynical mayor of Othón P. Blanco (Chetumal). The three evil ruled the three thousand rogueries incurred ... and given absolute impunity!. Not only that, now rewarded. And that does not look good of Quintana Roo. (Also in EVIDENCED! We mention the negociazos especially Quian Alcocer, the "ejido" today become a millionaire in dollars, including the illegal sale of land from the Ejido beach del Carmen). Another case of inefficiency
found is that of Cora Amalia Castilla Madrid, also condemned and rejected by society. His tenure in the Department of Government and Chair of PRI's disqualification. Unable to forget his inexperience - to say that bad faith - that contributed to the debacle tricolor in last July's elections, when the opposition made a historic victory: 5 out of 9 municipalities, and not lost a hair Tulum. But where demand
---------------------------- --------------- captain ... --- Canton Zetina
* Carlos is a journalist with an extensive career of 45 years. He was a reporter and Chief Information Officer and director of the newspaper Excelsior of national magazines Quehacer Political Controversy and Traces. Http://carloscantonzetinadice.blogspot.com
Twitter: @ cantonzetina
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