CANCUN, QR, Thursday 31 March 2011.
+ Raymundo Confirmed drop King, Carlos Lima and Raul are Labastida
+ The only position where the Act requires that a lawyer, and Congress should endorse it
+ ... And another ballast Mendicuti Gabriel, and Secretary of the Interior shall not
By CARLOS CANTON carlos_cantonz@hotmail.com
Zetina *
What a relief for Quintana Roo! ... Final
and fortunately, Raymundo trácala King de la Rosa will not be the new attorney general of Quintana Roo. His appointment as state leader of the PRI it outside the formal Cabinet PRI Roberto Borge Angulo.
There is also a fact that the equally nefarious Mendicuti Gabriel Loria - dubbed "Menditúnel" referring to the wrong bridge that cost lives - not take up the Secretary of State as is their ambition. It is located in a position of much smaller range: the Administrative Office of the State.
So the young to assume the governorship Cozumel April 5 interprets the feelings of thousands of citizens in one way or another, in recent months, expressed their opposition to the duo stay in front of areas that are so sensitive and relevant to public life. This, despite the two coordinated their election campaign committee formed part of the handover.
There is still mystery about who will replace Francisco Alor Quezada. A position of great importance to citizens whose new owner should have already been announced, as was done with the controversial general Bibiano Villa Carlos Castillo, appointed State Secretary of Public Safety. Is first order the problem of rising crime, and corruption in police ranks. The confession of Victor Emmanuel Delgado Medrano, "The Chumil", the alleged leader of the Zetas in Cancun, opened again the rot at the Judicial Police (which depends on the Office) and local gendarmerie.
for Borge, it is difficult designation of who will be Attorney General. Few lawyers have the right profile. But it has taken. Have to rush, under which the appointment must be guaranteed by law, the local Congress. And because I have to give more security to the families of Quintana Roo.
In regard to Mendicuti and King de la Rosa, from last October this reporter has passed the displeasure of vast sectors of society.
And just on 18 February this year, this column (CAEN Mendicuti AND KING) anticipate the collapse of the two characters not only for their past mistakes but because they were rampaging and attacking other prospects to join the class team of Borge . On those, we said: "Ambition you can kill them, and not only want to influence the decisions of the president-elect, but also for weeks have begun a large and clumsy 'operating' with the help of its fans - to grab as many positions as possible. One of the strategies of 'dynamic duo' plan is to develop Borge government but most of all, in order to locate their friends in key positions. Suggest to the governor-elect who are the most appropriate, is part of the gruesome maneuver. Deluded, have tried to trick your boss. " Regarding
King de la Rosa, here we have documented their trans and lies, as usurping the role attorney when he served as director of the Public Registry of Property and Commerce. There was only a few months: his appointment was contested precisely because they did not meet the training requirement. And he was appointed head of the National Population Council, co-wives (CONSTE!, Tuesday October 26, 2010).
As leader of the PRI in place of Cora Amalia Castilla Madrid, whose fate would CAPA or the secretary of culture, Raymundo not have much room to maneuver. Especially because Borge needs of leading the party and its relationship with other political organizations - mostly - with the five mayors opponents will held on 10 April.
The mere fact of not being licensed prevented King directing the Attorney General of Quintana Roo, although both crowed that "she did go." Remember: Article 96 of the state Constitution provides that the owner should be "a law degree with their duly registered."
is the only cabinet position for which imposes this legal mandate, as well as to the appointment of Attorney must be approved by Members. Secretaries and heads of decentralized bodies, according to Article 95, only have to meet three requirements: be a citizen by birth and Natica quintanarroense Entity's actual residence or not less than 5 years "," be fully exercise their political rights "and" be honest living. "
is, not even the Secretary of Government-two official in importance - must necessarily be a lawyer, unlike other Mexican states whose laws do require.
for the post of Attorney, many lawyers have not rested on "grilling" and try to put in the minds of Borge. Some say: "Anyone, unless Vivas Victor Vivas!, And something will be. Politicians in the corridors and cafes are handled these names: 1 .- Carlos
Lima Bernal. 2 .- Raúl Labastida
3 .- Leopoldo Mendoza Herrera Manzanilla, and 4 .- Matthew Avila
But if a woman opts for Borge, there's Marisol Esquiliano Balado, from February 2010 member of the Judicial Council of Superior Court of Justice of the state, and former Undersecretary of Political Development in the Government Secretariat. Let's talk
prospects: Carlos Lima
--- Bernal seems to be the "good." It is well known and would have no experience in administration of justice. His name began to be mentioned from the PRI's electoral campaign for governor. He served as Legal Coordinator alliance "Quintana Roo Avanza" (PRI-PVEM and diapers) Borge took the victory on July 4 last year. Governor-elect
fairly valued the work of Lima Bernal, who showed his ability legalistic in several respects. He strove to defend the nomination and wins tricolor, including Beto, but failed to meet all your parcels. For example, failed attempt to repeat the elections in the municipality of Benito Juárez (Cancún) and dethrone the "PRD" Julian Ricalde Magaña as mayor-elect, and snatch the win Alejandro Luna-son of the infamous Greg - as Member XI in the local district. Y So that a brother of Carlos, Alberto Lima Bernal, chairman of the Electoral Council in the district, "helped" the PRI!. ---
Labastida Raul Mendoza. It is a chetumaleño was Inspector General of the Office in Quintana Roo, where he led an alleged fight against corrupt prosecutors. But mostly known for being a good "cricket", spotlights and camera hog, leading talkative-the style of Alor Quezada -. "Facilitators" to acknowledge but not to propose solutions. Relentless "judge" ... the benefit of the PRI.
Leading schools and bar associations, as demanded (March 2010) investigate notary publics "involved with organized crime, which has accused (February 2010) as" corrupt and extortionists "customs agents of the checkpoint Lieutenant Lopez.
Since September 2007, as president of the Bar, he spent his accusing the federal government. After the escape of nine facilities Cuban National Migration Institute (INM), Labastida said that agency was "a hotbed of smugglers, with much corruption." In February of that same year he launched against the professors of the University of Quintana Roo who usurped profession. At the same time made thundering statements against the Federal Electoral Reform, because it "violates the autonomy of the state."
In April 2010, required the public security minister, Miguel Angel Ramos Real, "which is put to work and stop the wave of insecurity experienced by the state." He called for medical prison in 2009 "covered up" the rape of minors. In August 2010 he threw against the creation of Police One (proposed by President Felipe Calderon) in the country, arguing that it contravened the municipal sovereignty. ---
Leopoldo Herrera Manzanilla. It is a sinister figure who has held various positions in the Attorney General Quintana Roo (Director of Criminal Procedure, Director of Preliminary), especially in 2006 and 2007. As a trial lawyer sharply criticized the Attorney General because it was - he said - of acting unfairly against its customers and the brothers Juan Federico Navarro Gerardo Hernández, directors of television channel 20. Hannibal also defended Madrigal, alleged murderer of a child. And last, tried to be a lawyer of Kalimba and, as could not, became champion of Daiana, the singer's sexual victim. Matthew Avila ----
Arceo. Protected by former prosecutor Bello Melchor Rodriguez, who on February 4, 2009 he was appointed deputy in southern Quintana Roo. He was Director Process Control. Alor Quezada ratified, and that continues. Maybe it's the worst of all prospects, the "school" that has ...
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* Carlos Canton Zetina Tabasco is a journalist with extensive career of 45 years. He was a reporter and Chief Information Officer of the newspaper Excelsior and general manager of national magazines Quehacer Political Controversy and Traces. Http://carloscantonzetinadice.blogspot.com
Twitter: @ cantonzetina
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