CANCUN, QR, Monday 4 April 2011 .-
+ In-class team of Roberto Borge, only speaks of Cora Amalia
+ good number of valuable females are mentioned ... but for lesser charges
+ Seplader Iván Hernández Pacheco, a position fought by the fatal Hendricks
+ In Quintana Roo Communication System Anything but Roman! By CARLOS CANTON
Zetina * carlos_cantonz@hotmail.com
is striking that very few women have been referred to join the class team of Roberto Borge Angulo. They only talk about one, Cora Amalia Castilla Madrid, who despite not being liked by many, is "tied" as Secretary of Culture.
We must remember that in the administration of Félix González Canto - which ends today - only included two females: Sara Latife Ruiz Chavez, the Ministry of Tourism (SEDETUR), and Paula Gonzalez Cetina, in the Ministry of Planning and Regional Development (Seplader). Only two of the 16 departments most relevant to ending six years. (Now be 18, with the creation of three ministries and the disappearance of the Ministry of Urban Development and Environment, Sedum).
impossible to believe that only a woman is placed on the list of 18 important government positions which begins formally tomorrow. Borge include at least two formal cabinet, where it is only a handful of privileged.
However, the national trend is to not respect gender equity. Recent example of this marginalization is that of the ten governors - from different political parties - which took power late last year and early this (Durango, Chihuahua, Veracruz, Tamaulipas, Puebla, Sinaloa, Oaxaca, Aguascalientes, Zacatecas and Tlaxcala). Of the 129 cabinet level positions (ministries and State Attorney General), only 17 were given to women, ie, a paltry 13%. The team
"luxury" of Borge chances are Paula Gonzalez will be ratified in Seplader, although that charge has been mentioned strongly Iván Hernández Pacheco, who was already the owner from 2002 to 2005 in the infamous Joaquin government Hendricks Diaz, then Chief of Staff of President González Canto, who kept there from 2005 to 2008, when relieved by Rafael León Negrete and appointed him head of the Committee for the Rescue and Conservation of Beaches, a new specialized unit.
(If Pacheco Hernández Borge is appointed to head a second time Seplader, it is a position achieved by Hendricks, who Ivan was also the Technical Secretary between 2001 and 2002).
is known that the dispute was very severe by the secretariat-Seplader strategic - for real estate negociazos is involved. "It's a gold mine for officials" say some investors. So the voracious Hendricks has fought for himself until the nails this and other units! ...
And for the next cabinet, women still have a "chance" of achieving ownership of any of the three new ministries which last month approved the local Congress: the Social Development, Urban Development and Ecology and Environment . Also in other units, also a recent creation: Office of Environmental Protection and Development Commission of Ethnic and Indigenous Maya. The Ministry of Ecology, is given as a fact that will be for the Party "Green" that colluded with the PRI and the honeycomb to give the victory to Borge. Pay bills, then. But will elect a woman? ...
There are many women, experienced and Luchon, who have merits, some more than others, to enter the boat borgista. Let's see about some of those who yearn for a public office or who have already received the green light but second-level positions:
--- Mary Hadad Castillo. Former local lawmaker, was nominated to chair the State Comptroller's anointed but Gonzalo Herrera Castillo, former Secretary of Finance of Felix. She will be the next Secretary of Culture, first mate of Cora Amalia. ---
Claudia Roman. Already have been designated state General Treasurer. Is of the people closest to Borge, so his appointment did not cause surprise ... but thought I would have a space in the cabinet, efficiency, loyalty and proven ability to work. ---
Melissa López Guzmán. Has sufficient merit to be CEO of DIF Quintana Roo. It's very close relationship with the family Borge. ---
Maritza Diaz Medina. Former education official, apparently aspired to preside over Quintana Roo Women's Institute (QMI). Finally he was appointed secretary general of the PRI state. It is working, you'll be fine. Paula Gonzalez ----
Cetina. Just last August 18 was designated Seplader holder. There is a reasonable doubt: Is it available appointment Borge Angulo?. If so, it would strengthen version that would continue in office. Rosalia Cecilia Loria ---
Marín. And former president of the Quintana Roo Women's Institute (MSI). Intended to fly high: to be head of the Ministry of Education (SEQ). But did not have the cunning of Eduardo Patrón Azueta, who repeated the charge. Cecilia is in a group of nefarious Joaquin Hendricks. ---
Ahedo Susana Robles. Until now Undersecretary of Seplader. He stood as head of the agency but "does not give the width." May achieve a lower position.
--- Sara Latife Ruiz Chavez. Inglorious ends his tenure as Secretary of Tourism and, apparently, will be representative of the Government Quintana Roo in Mexico City. --- Marisol Esquiliano
Balado. Prestigious lawyer who was mentioned to fill the Attorney General. --- Laura Fernández
Piña. Former local lawmaker, brilliant woman will be president of the PRI in Benito Juarez, with the particular parcel - the priority-to recover the City cancunense for the tricolor, and the way other municipalities which in 2010 won the competition. Same task has Raymundo King de la Rosa, the new state leader of the party. ---
Chan Lilian Villanueva. Rumored to be the holder of Quintana Roo System of Social Communication (SQCS), although it is also mentioned as a possible leader of Quintana Roo Institute Women (IQM
--- Guadalupe Novelo Espadas. was losing the PRI candidate for mayor of Benito Juarez in the electoral process last July. That has made its Luchita borgista team to enter, no doubt!. ---
Gina Patricia Ortiz Blanco. With few opportunities, pus headed the highly contested - and charged - Heritage Real Estate Institute (IPAE).
--- Arlet MOLGORA Glover. made a lot of "grid" to get into Borge mood but apparently failed. is that as Director of Administration of the Ministry of Health, by Juan Carlos Azueta Cardenas, had had enough mistakes and accusations. (Remember that IPAE Sesa and are considered among the units with "poor image" as citizens, as we said yesterday in this newspaper column.) ---
Margarita Gabriela Rodríguez Gálvez. Until now the Technical Secretariat of the Cabinet. Valuable woman should be exploited. Elfi
--- Elina Coral Castilla. Today is no longer director of the State College High School Graduates. Management has been regular. ---
Gamboa Lizbeth Loy Song. Did well in the DIF. ---
Susana Hurtado Vallejo. Alternate federal deputy Roberto Borge. He has not shown sufficient sensitivity and experience. ---
Ludivina Menchaca Castellanos. PVEM senator. On 21 March it was dismissed as part of the next cabinet PRI. But who know!. It could be a "surprise" that occupies some of the newly created ministries, such as Ecology or the Attorney General of the Environment. -------------- Or ----------------
the dispute over SQCS Quintana Roo .- The Social Communication System is another badly units evaluated by the public. Their newscasts are usually biased, rude "kickers" of political dissidents and poorly made. Or tell your "programming" and the poor transmission, with cameras out of focus or steamed. It is an example of how not to do television.
Thus, SQCS - that much money would costs taxpayers - requires major surgery and, above all, be guided by real journalists. Professional and not so submissive.
In the fierce struggle that was fought over the ownership of the state body, stood the crude efforts of "journalist" Roman Trejo Maldonado, flattering column and tedious. Not to the liking of most journalists' union. Are better prospects Liliana Villanueva Chan, experienced Tabasco Victoriano Robles Cruz Misael Pacheco and Felipe López Hernández García. --------------------------- ----------------------
* Carlos Canton Zetina Tabasco is a journalist with extensive professional experience 45. He was a reporter and Chief Information Officer of the newspaper Excelsior and general manager of national magazines Quehacer Political Controversy and Traces. Http://carloscantonzetinadice.blogspot.com
Twitter: @ cantonzetina
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