CANCUN, QR, Friday April 29, 2011.
+ Ephraim Trujeque, debut and farewell was a defender of Succar Kuri
+ In 2006 he was accused of conspiring to free the pederast
+ As PGJE official would handle the case of his former client
By CARLOS CANTON Zetina * carlos_cantonz@hotmail.com
Every cloud has a silver lining, the saying popular. This is the case of the denial "illegal exit" Hannah Thouma the pederast Jean Succar Kuri, "The Johnny." Abortion
the absurd appointment of Ephraim Ignacio Trujeque Arcila as Director of Internal Process Control of the Attorney General of Quintana Roo (PGJE). After being counsel of the Lebanese-born businessman, was to be responsible for the final stage of criminal proceedings that followed in the courts of general jurisdiction.
The designation would not have been withdrawn - the day after! - If PAN Rep. Carlos Agustín Castilla Marroquín not put a spotlight on the "prisoner star" of the municipal jail of Benito Juárez (Cancún). And there will
aborted a possible leak of the pedophile?.
Remember: the October 25, 2006, Trujeque was accused by the attorney Xavier Olea, representing some victims of "Johnny" to be part of a scheme to allow the escape of the accused.
Shortly before the July 31, 2006, the writer Lydia Cacho demanded that the State Attorney General to investigate alleged support from within that unit would have received Succar to escape from Mexico. (On the eve, at the request of Governor Felix Gonzalez Canto, the PGJE AP-Che/3466/2006 opened a preliminary investigation to determine the possible involvement of its former officers in a possible child molester support of age).
of itself, since Succar was brought to this city, in March 2010, there were voices that warned citizens about the alleged intention of "powerful groups" to free him. Trujeque the arrival of a key position in the state attorney stiffer version now that the new state administration wants him out. Did
agrees that the PRI governor Roberto Borge Angulo?. Of course not ...
Therefore, it would have forced new attorney Gaspar Armando Garcia Torres to do the "bear" on Wednesday, 27, on the day it was published in national newspapers and local PAN legislator's complaint, announced the appointment of Trujeque. And twenty-four hours on Thursday 28, dismissed him!.
should be recalled that on 30 March this year, Succar was sentenced to more than 13 years in prison for federal offenses against him, as child pornography. But the decisions are still pending by the processes of common law: corruption of minors, statutory rape and indecent assault. That is, are the judicial authorities of Quintana Roo which are applied to determine whether or not other judgments. Kuri led an international pedophile network which operated in Cancun. You always wanted
Lebanon is to be judged in this tourist destination. So he fought with great care, and managed the transfer of high security penal del Altiplano (in the state of Mexico) to a prison in Chetumal, first, and then benitojuarense jail.
As far as this writer, based his previous column (SUCC And the mud) in the criminal complaint filed with the PGR by a federal deputy who is a member of the Committee to Combat Trafficking in Persons Congress. There was no need less serious or important. And although the legislature would have cheated with a photograph that allegedly shows "The Johnny" in a diner in Cancun some signs are still valid we did.
Finally, the case itself is a quagmire Succar. The reverse was given as to Trujeque Arcila is only one edge of the rot around this issue.
Today, we insist that Borge administration should take action on the matter, to the relief of citizens and ensure the rule of law, in matters like these:
- It is noted the urgency of moving to "The Johnny" for a maximum security prison outside the state. This will dispel any doubts of a possible leak or improper perks as extra outputs "or special treatment.
- There is still suspected both in the prison of Cancun as those installed in the rest of Quintana Roo are granted privileges to wealthy inmates. Is the history of the famous "VIP cell" discovered in the Cereso of Chetumal in 2009.
- Cancun, obviously prison is controlled by a powerful group of prisoners, mainly from drug cartels. The "self" could not be removed. That is a latent time bomb that must be defused quickly.
reiterate what we wrote on Wednesday 27:
"The Senate and the PGR were right to protest and even legally challenge (as did the Office) by the fact that Succar has been removed from the high security prison of the Altiplano, in the state of Mexico, and brought back to Cancun (...) The appointment of a soldier in front of the prison does not guarantee automatic cancunense it is handled efficiently and integrity. " Why
Trujeque Arcila was named the PGJE which had earlier been?. The Quintana Roo deserve an explanation.
In July 2006, the official "debut and farewell" and Armando Ancona René Araujo, who also worked on the procurement of Quintana Roo, acted in defense of Succar Kuri, charged with several counts of sexual abuse against minors. However, problems payment of their fees, lasted less than a year.
The defense consists of one pair of attorneys was severely questioned, not only because they served as directors of Preliminary and Process Control when they began investigating the case, but because even the same PGJE began five years ago the preliminary 3466/2006 to determine if they had access to inside information from the case during his stay in the unit.
Do you think they did not use the information they got on their way through the Ombudsman for the benefit of his client, "The Johnny"?. It is immoral and unethical professional. Moreover, transgressed laws. Particularly
Trujeque is remembered, in his capacity as chief executive of the PGJE, as a participant in the charges against the businessman of Lebanese origin Mexican citizen. And years later, outside the institution, became the champion.
On October 30, 2006, Ancona Trujeque Arcila and Araujo waived their lawyers as a pederast, it was announced the new defensive coordinator, José Wenceslao Cisneros, whose first action was to file a complaint with the NHRC to not relocate his client from prison of Cancun to Chetumal.
Five days earlier, on October 25, Kuri was transferred from the capital Cereso state to the municipal jail in Cancun, for errands. Unsatisfied, Xavier Olea, who represented abused children and was an advocate of Lydia Cacho, denounced an alleged agreement between the third judge Víctor Echeverría criminal Tun, Succar Kuri and attorney, Trujeque Arcila, to allow the escape of pederast. Olea
revealed: "The Judge and Ephraim Trujeque are partners in a long, and what we see is a conspiracy between them to make a run." He added that the then State Secretary of Public Safety, Peter Fleet, objected and the judge sent a letter telling him that the conditions exist for the transfer and retention Succar in the prison of Cancun, so they held him responsible for what happened.
"Even with that background - Olea said - the judge decided to transfer because Trujeque counsel asked to be present at all proceedings, something that was not necessary." And although the judge
Echeverría ordered the pedophile cancunense remain in jail until December 12, 2006, Trujeque made a thousand efforts to extend the deadline.
journalist Cacho, that July 31, 2006, said the local attorney was required to investigate the lawyer and his sons Gabino Andrade and Edmart Siddhartha, the trio that the October 20, 2003, when it was investigating the case, took Cancun to Merida highway, then move in a drive to the City, as recognized by Lebanon itself.
Anyway, last Wednesday 27, shortly before midnight, the flamboyant prosecutor Armando Gaspar García Torres Arcila Trujeque appointed Director of Internal Control Process. This was announced through a statement from the state agency. It replaced Ramón de Jesús Baquedano Humberto Parra. However, the assistant attorney general, Juan Ignacio Hernández Mora said during the morning that this appointment was not confirmed and presented to Ludwig Vivas Arjona at the head of that office. The PGJE not recognize
that the sudden change was due to Trujeque was Succar lawyer.
(Incidentally, as part of the mire, Vivas Arjona was removed from the ugly form April 10, 2010 as a deputy in the North Zone by the then head of the PGJE, Francisco Alor Quezada). Or ------------ --------------
KAMEL, EL AMIGO .- In his book "The Demons of Eden" (2005), Lydia Cacho mentioned a large number of influential persons associated with Jean Succar Kuri. One is the textile businessman José Kamel Nacif Borge poblano, called "King of Denim," and related to the current governor of Quintana Roo. The journalist said after Succar had recognized that, to support legal defense, received money from his friend Kamel. Nothing was done against it! ... ---------------------- -------------
* Carlos Canton Zetina Tabasco is a journalist with extensive professional experience 45. He was a reporter and Chief Information Officer of the newspaper Excelsior and general manager of national magazines Quehacer Political Controversy and Traces. Http://cantonzetinadice.blogspot.com
Twitter: @ cantonzetina
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