CANCUN, QR, Wednesday, 6 April 2011.
Felix, Ganon ...
+ Roberto Borges praised and ... González Canto many people in the cabinet!
+ The new governor gave surprises: García Torres, Attorney and Health Alpuche
+ confirmed our scoop: Luis Gonzalez Flores is now Secretary of Government
By CARLOS CANTON carlos_cantonz@hotmail.com
Zetina * Taking possession
the seventh governor of Quintana Roo, the PRI's Roberto Borge Angulo, became a double tribute to his colleague and predecessor Felix Gonzalez Canto: so great is not just for the compliments but because it gave him at least half of the characters that make up his cabinet worked with former state governor. Some even repeated in the same position, other positions were changed. Not all are free of inquiries and complaints. There are 33 nominations in total, and about 22 are "Felix". There are only 6 women ... they have been relegated!.
To begin, an uncle and a cousin of Felix were in key positions: the former deputy Luis González Flores as Secretary of Government - the second highest position in importance - and the mayor of Cozumel, Juan Carlos González Hernández, as Secretary of Tourism.
(These and other descriptions were provided for this journalist on Friday April 1, column CABINET OF SURPRISES. Especially as we scoop the inclusion in the team by Borge and already holds formally, Gonzalez Flores. No one had mentioned before). The incoming governor
young - 31 years old - was extremely warm with Gonzalez Canto during the ceremony held yesterday at the International Business Center and Convention Chetumal. Kissed him many times, he raised his arm in victory, took the picture with him. And in his inaugural speech could not be more cordial, "Felix, you're a great leader, an extraordinary person and a role model as a human being."
A wave of applause came from more than 4,500 attendees, and justifiably satisfied Felix stood up to thank. Happy as ever. More
Borge said: "I get a government in harmony and concord, built on the basis of inclusion and high dedication to preserving social cohesion, which for six years served the lawyer Felix Gonzalez Canto. My recognition of his tireless work, Quintana Roo recognizes and thanks him. You fully comply with their responsibility and that I committed to enhancing the development of our common and shared birthplace: Quintana Roo. "
Undoubtedly, the new president showed that gratitude is one of the main virtues. Did not hesitate to show respect to Gonzalez Canto, compared with an unusual number of guests - in this type of event - which included 13 governors from the PRI and PAN each, Rafael Moreno Valle, Puebla. (Tricolores, missed only five: Tamaulipas, Colima, Durango, Coahuila and Nayarit). In the "applause" won - obviously! - The presidential candidate Enrique Pena Nieto. Borge
exhibited an impressive ability to convene, as attended by leaders and politicians and legislators from different parties. Since then he was Humberto Moreira Valdés, national leader of the PRI, who certainly confirmed his invitation to Gonzalez Canto CEN is integrated. Although there were notorious figures such as Carlos Salinas de Gortari and Carlos Romero Deschamps and claims former governor of Tabasco, Roberto Madrazo Pintado, Manuel Andrade Diaz.
As for his speech, he emphasizes his conviction to a unity government, inclusive and strong. No "sectarianism or exclusions or partisan political bias," but "ready for dialogue, political pluralism." (Remember that there will be 5 mayors of opposition). And his announcement that will eliminate vehicular tenure ... but until next year.
As for the new cabinet Quintana Roo, there were big surprises, as the appointment of GP Alpuche Rafael Delgado as Secretary of Health, the lawyer chetumaleño Gaspar Armando Garcia Torres as the Attorney General; Rosario Ortiz Yeladaqui as Chief Clerk of the government, Mario Castro Basto as owner of Sintra, Roosevelt Erce Barron repeating as Treasurer General, and Sara Latife Ruiz Chavez as Technical Secretariat of the Cabinet.
As previously announced, three mayors were acting within the team borgista: Cozumel, Solidaridad (Playa del Carmen) and Othon P. Blanco (Chetumal). And, pending the appointment in various departments, as Infova and CAPA, which have been severely questioned.
But we emphasize: the new cabinet is a "transition" most of its members will be relieved at not more than a year. Borge Angulo himself and warned: "The employee will not give out results." Nobody feels safe, then ...!. In the following newspaper columns or x-ray every one of the new staff.
In KNOWN! April 1 gave these names, which were confirmed yesterday:
1 .-- Government Secretariat: Architect Luis González Flores. 2 .--
Ministry of Education: Master Eduardo Azueta (repeated in the post).
3 .-- Secretary to the Governor: Manuel Valencia Cardin (left in the same place). 4 .--
Private Secretary Governor: Fabián Fenced. 5 .--
Ministry of Tourism: Juan Carlos González Hernández, Mayor of Cozumel. 6 .--
Treasury: Gongora Mauricio Escalante.
7 .-- Ministry of Culture, Cora Amalia Castilla Madrid. 8 .--
Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare: Eduardo Martínez Ovando. (He was Secretary of Government).
9 .-- Secretary of the Comptroller: Gonzalo Herrera Castillo. (He held the Ministry of Finance).
10 .-- State Secretariat of Public Security: Gen. Carlos Bibiano Villa. 11 .--
Unit of the State Government Spokesman: Rangel Rosado Ruiz.
12 .-- Port Authority (API): Roman Quian Alcocer, Mayor of Solidarity. 13 .--
State College Bachelors (Cobach): Arturo Fernández Martínez.
14 .-- Secretary of Economic Development said it would be Gabriel Mendicuti Loria, but the lead Javier Díaz Carvajal, who mentioned that it would be "owner of one of the newly created units." Carvajal Díaz served until the day before yesterday as Secretary of Urban Development and Environment (Sedum), the dependence disappears.
15 .-- Bureau of Agriculture, Rural and Indigenous: mentioned the possibility that Martinez was appointed Ovando, but the "good" is Mendicuti Loria. Had already been head of the Secretariat, in the outgoing government. 16 .--
Infrastructure and Transport Ministry, predicted that it would be the mayor of Chetumal, Andrés Ruiz Morcillo, but finally remained Mario Castro Basto. 17 .--
Ministry of Planning and Regional Development, said it would be Iván Hernández Pacheco. However, the designee is Ruiz Morcillo.
18 .-- General Coordination of Advisors: We named Antonio Baduy Moscoso, was finally appointed Hernández Pacheco.
19 .-- Attorney General of the state: we mention two prospects, Carlos Hernández Blanco and Victor Venamo Vivas Vivas. The appointed by the new governor is Armando Gaspar García Torres. 20 .--
Heritage Real Estate Institute of Public Administration (IPAE) note to be chaired by Carlos Gonzalez Blanco. In fact, the new owner is one of the people closest to the new governor Romanillos Claudia Villanueva. 21 .-- Treasury
State isoleucine as "good" to Romanillos, who was named yesterday to the post is Erce Barron Barrera and is repetitive, then ranked.
22 .-- Administrative Office of the State Government: federal deputy Yeladaqui Rosario Ortiz. (Announcing that it would be a great friend and former aide to incoming governor, Eliezer Villanueva Lanz. There could be placed in one unit). 23 .--
Technical Secretariat of the Cabinet, said it would be Armando Álvarez González, but the choice was Sara Latife Ruiz Chavez, who until recently served as Secretary of Tourism. 24 .-- Quintana Roo
Commission on Science and Technology (COQCYT) would ensure that Raul Contreras Castillo or Norman Medina Castro. Appointee is Alcerreca Victor Sanchez. 25 .--
Committee for Youth and Sport of Quintana Roo (Cojudeq): Hassan would augur Villanueva. The new owner is Norman Medina Castro.
26 .-- Quintana Roo Women's Institute (MSI): wrote that Villanueva could be Lilian Chan. It was announced yesterday that the holder is Lizbeth Prawn Song, who served as director of the state DIF. 27 .--
state DIF, would predict that as director Melissa Guzmán López, the appointment went to Jesus Rodriguez Herrera, who was head of the Department of Citizen Services (DAC) of state government. 28 .--
Citizen Services Division (DAC) as possible to put José Luis Amezcua Mendoza. The new owner is José Luis González.
29 .-- College of Professional Technical Education of the state (CONALEP), mentioned as a possible owner Emilio Jiménez Ancona. Who is Cecilia Loria was named Marin. 30 .-- Secretary
Social Development (newly created unit) will be led by Ángel Palomo Rivero, who was Secretary of Culture. 31 .--
Ministry of Urban Development (institution also set up last month): The incumbent is appointed yesterday Marrufo Mauricio Rodriguez, son of the first attorney general to Gonzalez Canto, Bello Melchor Rodriguez.
32 - Quintana Roo System of Social Communication (SQCS): Jorge Acevedo Marín. (Here we predict that the owner would come out of this group: Victoriano Robles Cruz, Villanueva Lilian Chan, Felipe Hernandez Garcia, Misael Pacheco López Rangel Rosado Ruiz.
33.-Secretary of Health: Rafael Alpuche Delgado. (In this column we said that it might be Juan Ortegon Pacheco.
was not named to the owners of various buildings, as
- Committee on Water Supply and Sewerage (CAPA): We mentioned Ovando José Alberto Alonso.
- Institute Development of housing and Regularization of Property (Invovir): this could be a starter Eliezer Villanueva Lanz.
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* Carlos Canton Zetina Tabasco is a journalist with extensive career of 45 years. He was a reporter and Chief Information Officer of the newspaper Excelsior and CEO the national magazines realm of politics, Controversy and Traces. Http://carloscantonzetinadice.blogspot.com
Twitter: @ cantonzetina
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