CANCUN, QR , Sunday April 17 2011.
KNOWN! Ricalde
+ Cancun Mayor admits that give the media a millionaire
+ A rib of the people, not looking beyond their ratchets
+ refutes this reporter, who is not corrupt Álvarez Morales
Comments: carlos_cantonz@hotmail.com
is one after another after brazen effrontery. Still a lack of respect for Julian Magana Ricalde the people of Benito Juárez ...
bankruptcy is in full council but the unabashed mayor "PRD" announced that it will give away many millions of dollars each month to the media, not to criticize what we started as a disastrous and corrupt city administration. The "balconea" publicly and, of course, all silent.
not "despair" on Friday, 15 asked for with taxpayers' money will keep "equal" or "sausage" as its predecessors - especially the grim Gregorio Sánchez Martínez - have given to the press to buy it and silence it . He also "PRD" Jaime Hernández Zaragoza, also lavished money on the media. That is infamous
!. That undeserving citizens who are required by the prompt payment of your taxes!.
At the bottom of the aberrant confession at the wrong time who became mayor of Cancun, underlying authoritarianism and clumsily. A trick is any cost to society with the story that his police chief, Armando Alvarez Morales, is "full and honest." This newspaper column
(DECEPTION OF JULIAN) gave the scoop on Tuesday 12: The new Secretary of Public Safety politiquillo Cancun is a dishonest, as comptroller in Veracruz, overlapped the great corruption that has emerged during the presidency of the PRI Fidel Herrera Beltran, one of the governors that have been most illicitly enriched themselves under the power ... and with the help of the State Comptroller.
This time, we easily verifiable data: Julian
"forgot" to include in the curriculum of its official "copy" the fact that the last position on land Jarocho - November 2010 - was the comptroller, under the orders of the then head of the General Secretariat of the Comptroller (SGE), Clara Luz Prieto Villegas PRI, now accused by the opposition, like his former employee Álvarez Morales, had overlapped the terrible irregularities affecting the public purse.
In that column mentioned a figure perfectly verifiable by anyone, "the Gazette Gazette, official organ of the Government of Veracruz, was published on October 27, 2006 an agreement signed by Herrera Beltrán in designating Agustín Morales and Armando Álvarez González Espindola as' holders of the internal organs of control in the agencies or entities public administration ', as part of the establishment of the SGE. And in those positions were maintained until the end of 2010. "
We also said that at least two local representatives of Veracruz (Oscar Agustín Lara Hernández Zúñiga Américo, Audit Commission) requires sanctions and even disable Prieto Villegas politically and who was his subordinate, Alvarez Morales, as well as other internal comptrollers, because "they were omitted in the irregular handling of public resources." Deceiving the benitojuarenses
, Julian "shaved" those black background to the biographical record of his brand-new police chief. (Picture yourself in whose hands is the safety of thousands of families cancunenses and the millions of tourists!).
exhaustive research conducted this reporter on this murky episode in the life of Alvarez Morales was taken by the newspaper Quequi two days later, on Thursday 14 April. He said the party would have outstanding accounts with the government of Veracruz, what is absolutely true as we established here.
Interviewed by a group of reporters on the subject, showed incredible Magaña Ricalde cynically called "serious" and do "reaction" (sic) with shouts of "someone who normally writes erratically on such things."
(The allusion to the author of EVIDENCED! Is more than evident. Previously, on March 12, the mayor had accused the journalist of "slander and discredit" and writing "pure speculation." It was an implicit threat in when we released, we reiterate today, and pointed to as responsible Julian of any aggression, of whatever kind, against the author of this column.)
In their desperation to defend his star employee, said he "met all the tests of trust, was widely reviewed, not at this time any disqualification from nowhere."
(Sufficient for any citizen to speak with leaders and legislators of the PAN in Veracruz to verify that the mayor lying).
Their irresponsibility and cynicism were recorded by Noticaribe, perhaps the only way he did. A reporter asked: "Lord, doubted the status of Public Safety director, even produced several publications. What about it? ".
The Julian Conchudo repeated his mantra from the owner of the SSP in Cancun, in other words, more pure than the Pope. Emboldened, the munícipe added: "And I'm going to defend this situation as (not) there is evidence against." How much more evidence
requires the phony mayor? ...
And here came the "balconea" the fire to the local media: the journalist asked: "Is there a political beating over there?". The mayor's response to Ripley: "I do not know, I hope not, but maybe for my delay in the payment agreement, but do not despair, and I will. "
Look you, the reader (a) of the monstrous statement Magana Ricalde: he accepts that there are agreements (money given to the media by way of "advertising" which is nothing more than a generous gift from the budget not to disclose the blunders and corruption) that has not been able to meet ... but will soon.
The mayor must pay to speak well of him ... but everyone knows of his chicanery.
What about those "agreements" are covered in the budget expenditures of the council? Were approved by the council?. Categorically NO!. Therefore, the cheater Julian flagrantly violates the law.
or -------------- -------------- OTHER
Burning .- Strange that the PRI governor Roberto Borge Angulo does not make statements or take action regarding the fire on Wednesday April 13 is recorded in the biosphere of Sian Ka'an World Heritage Site in the town of Felipe Carrillo Puerto Maya - whose mayor was won by the opposition on July 4, 2010 --. The damage is criminal, and are more than 250 hectares affected. But there is another 17 forest fires in the state: in Lazaro Cardenas are two, with damage to 150 and 200 hectares, and in Mahahual another incident which has damaged about 70 hectares. ---------------
* Carlos Canton Zetina Tabasco is a journalist with extensive career of 45 years. He was a reporter and Chief Information Officer and director of the Excelsior newspaper of national circulation magazines Quehacer Political Controversy and Traces. Http://carloscantonzetinadice.blogspot.com
Twitter: @ cantonzetina
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