CANCUN, QR, Tuesday 12 April 2011.
+ The Secretary of Public Security in Veracruz corrupt overlapped
+ Armando Alvarez Morales: a curriculum "shaved" by Ricalde
+ was comptroller, does not guarantee peace in Cancun
Comments: carlos_cantonz @ Julian
Ricalde Magaña plays with the security of citizens ...
The new mayor of Benito Juárez (Cancún), the PRD course so prone to kneel before the power PRI, began fooling management company for the background of one who is new owner of the municipal Public Security Secretariat (SSP), the Álvarez Morales Armando Veracruz. And it's black
the immediate past of who has the responsibility to address the most serious problem which strikes this destination, the most important in the country: the growing crime wave. But it also has the duty to purge the law enforcement agencies, which - it is proven - for years remains infiltrated mainly by drug lords.
So long is the tail of the brand new police chief of Cancun, in Veracruz state Congress today require sanction and disqualify politically, ie not holding charge for many years.
is accused of complicity in the overlap and accumulation of dishonest acts committed by the PRI government of Fidel Herrera Beltrán. Officials saw stolen ... and turned a blind eye!.
Of that ilk is the official who, upon taking office on Sunday 10, promised to "safeguard" the integrity of the thousands of families cancunenses and the millions of tourists - domestic and foreign - who arrive each year in this paradise holiday. Is that why he was appointed by Ricalde to conceal corrupt future here?.
cleverly, Julian omitted relevant data that are related to alleged corruption of his co-star. Personally unveiled an extensive curriculum of the holder of the SSP, with the evident purpose of "screening" and give people a false message that he did know to choose the appropriate character. Strutted the mayor to say that it is a civilian and not military. The army should not occupy these positions, and all well said ... he should drop this phrase to the general Bibiano Villa Carlos Castillo, secretary of state security functions. Besides, who ensures that only by being alien to the environment is honest and efficient military?. But the liar
Ricalde Magaña want to fake! ...
With full knowledge and irresponsible, the Mayor "Shaved" the relationship of public positions he has held his police chief.
Álvarez is actually a real "fichita" which practically had to flee and take refuge in Cancun Veracruz in late November when the nefarious government concluded Herrera Beltrán, considered one of the most corrupt in the history of that entity. And the left financially bankrupt, with a public debt of 33 thousand 575 million pesos have to "go through with" his successor and party colleague Javier Duarte Ochoa, constitutional president from December 1, 2010.
makeup in the curriculum does not include the fact that the last Alvarez played by land jarochos was the comptroller - one of several - on the orders of the PRI Clara Luz Prieto Villegas, head of the Secretary General of the State Comptroller (SSG) in the cabinet Fidel.
in the Official Gazette, official organ of the Government of Veracruz, was published on October 27, 2006 an agreement signed by Herrera Beltrán in designating Agustín Morales and Armando Álvarez González Espindola as "holders of the internal organs of control in departments or agencies of government, as part of the establishment of the SGE. And in those positions were maintained until the end of 2010.
(Indeed, as stated in the curriculum fixed, the partner of "luxury" of Ricalde Magaña was director of the Police Academy based in Xalapa. What is not said is that the step was short-lived: almost at the beginning of his administration, October 3, 2006, Herrera Beltrán put it off for a much more experienced in this area: Vicente Lopez Estrada, a former official of the Office and twice director of the State Judicial Police).
At present, the opposition - mainly the PAN - calls for the punishment of Clara Luz Prieto Villegas and who were his subordinates as internal controllers, including Armando Alvarez Morales. The PAN are taking the fight especially in the House of Representatives of Veracruz, arguing that "each day come more irregularities of the previous government, which were overlapped by the Comptroller."
And the president himself Duarte Ochoa reported that a few weeks ago 159 failed with the government building and incurred "irregularities." Just
March 23, local PAN deputy Oscar Agustín Lara Hernández acknowledged that both the former secretary of the Comptroller as Audirac Mauricio Murillo, former head of the Supreme Audit Body (ORFISA) and who served as internal controllers "were remiss in handling irregular of public resources, which makes them worthy of a sanction. " All of them, he added, "should be disqualified from holding public office, to omit and not punish all wrongdoing by former state and municipal officials."
The PAN legislator was categorical: "serious anomalies have emerged and are emerging, showing that the organs of state control and internal oversight bodies did not function or not function as required by law."
Earlier, on 16 March, the local MP also Américo Zúñiga, Surveillance Commission, reported that the SSG and had to have supervised ORFISA start and progress of works, but they did not report the failure to complete them. "Whoever does not fulfill its function, must be punished," he said.
("Ricalde Magaña again acknowledge this reporter, as did the March 12, to write" pure speculation "and" discredit and smear "?). The curriculum shaving
Álvarez Morales also said that he was Deputy Director of Administration "OPD Used Veracruz, a public agency that are attributed to anomalies in the bidding for the purchase of equipment and uniforms.
The fact is that not very long nine months were sufficient to Mayor "PRD" to elect a better police chief. Despite a bad experience there recently: the Urban Perez Bañuelos general, appointed by Public Safety Greg, and that was a resounding failure.
The downside is that the nightmare of public insecurity is likely to continue for cancunenses.
For now, underhanded corrupt secretary made his debut wearing a uniform impeccable style of any five-star general. He reminded us how Arturo Durazo Moreno, the sinister "Black", the friend of José López Portillo, always dressed in military uniform in the style and was then appointed general!. Everybody knows their sad end in prison ... or ----------------- ----------------
Galaviz and COUNT. - The Julian Ricalde gabinetazo Magaña was not adopted unanimously at the first meeting of the Cabildo de Benito Juárez, on Sunday. Some council members objected to the appointment of Eduardo Galaviz Ibarra as Secretary General of the council, and the ratification of Oscar Conde Canto - cousin of former Gov. Felix Gonzalez Canto, as Director of Expenditure. They and other officials have also long tail, which we discuss later. ------------------------------ ------------------
* Carlos is a journalist Canton Zetina Tabasco with extensive career of 45 years. He was a reporter and Chief Information Officer of the newspaper Excelsior and general manager of national magazines Quehacer Political Controversy and Traces. Http://carloscantonzetinadice.blogspot.com
Twitter: @ cantonzetina
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