Tuesday, February 22, 2011

South Park Streaming In English

Social Work Well

James 1: 27 "Pure religion and undefiled before God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress and to keep unspotted from the world. "

To meet this requirement text or we must work in agriculture, then we will have products in any quantity, then also the large amount we need help. In this meeting we are not, then there is no stain and spot means "sin", then to erase this stain happily go to work in social welfare work with the infidels and the faithful. Therefore it says in the text VISITING THE SICK IN THEIR TRIALS, it means that they are troubled orphans, widows, single mothers, etc.
Why are troubled?
Because the economy is lacking, this is referring to when he says tribulation. Then God commands that we must meet and then the stain will be removed from us then we need to cooperate with them and says:

2 Corinthians 9:13 "That by the experience of this suministración glorify God for your professed obedience to the gospel of Christ and the goodness of help for them and for all, "

not see that we contribute to all!; also says:

Isiaias 58:7 "Is it not to share your bread with the hungry and the poor wandering goals at home when thou seest the naked, cover him, and hide not thyself from thine own flesh?"

is not to divide your bread with the hungry? Means we have to work in agriculture and in working in agriculture, then we share with the hungry and supporting him. So we're grasping what God commands, because it gives is that agriculture in quantity, then there will be products for everyone, then do not feel we need to share with everyone. Fulfilling this commitment will not sin. Then
brothers what God says we must comply, do what God commands, this refers to "The Work of Social Well" to cooperate with the needy, the hungry as written and we are on duty to carry it out as good Christians and "Where is God's blessing? Isaiah 58:10

"If out thy soul to the hungry, and satisfy the afflicted soul shall thy light the darkness and your gloom be as the noon day" Legally

we will not shed our soul, but we're going to spill the work of our hands what you mean.
To overcome the afflicted, because as I repeat the people because of the economy are and will be troubled, that's why God commands us to meet them ... That support we must understand.
satisfy the afflicted soul relates to the economy because many people do not have to eat, are afflicted, troubled, they must meet (if we comply with this ordinance also God promises that will rise in darkness your light) wants say to the people this is a great promise, your gloom be as the noon day means that the mind of an Israelite be guided towards clarity.

Isaiah 58:11 "And the Lord will guide you continually, and satisfy thy soul drought, and make fat thy bones: and be like a watered garden, and as the springs of water, whose waters fail not."
Here God when we comply to this ordinance (Jehovah God will be grazing) and in drought satisfy thy soul, it means that when the drought will have your sick and your bones will be overweight. Youth


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