Sunday, May 15, 2011

White Stuff On My Clitorus


Monday May 16, 2011 . WITNESS

+ Destroy the government to favor his hoodlum Mayans
+ Recruiting electoral fraud in 2012 ... and people getting poorer
+ With Gonzalez Lastra comes garrote!, Its repression in Chiapas

"Evil does not need reasons, you just an excuse": Goethe


Zetina *
is shameful that the puppet Andrés Granier Melo let your buddy Minguito "Humberto Mayans Canabal do everything that hits your gift win! ... Changes and castling
- gross, without any way to take care of the weekend, clearly and decisively confirm that Granier does not care the state's progress and welfare of the people of Tabasco. It cracked the governmental apparatus purely electoral purposes, to consummate a huge electoral fraud in 2012 and to impose as successor to his evil friend Maya.
shout leagues is the desperation of the ill-fated pair of "leaders" not to lose power ... and the fear they have for the opposition PRD read. Also fear that repudiation of the population to poor governance is manifested in the polls. Is that people want change, have had enough of the pilfering of the PRI. Therefore, at the Fair 2011, booed senile "Chelo".
Equally serious is that the mafia in power only to change positions. Are the same names as ever: the Mayans, the Rovirosa, the Lastra, the Romeros, the Pratt.
is the continuity of the oligarchy and of chiefdoms that have looted Tabasco. Y continue to do so, with impunity, despite the surfeit of citizenship!.
What if evil doll, tearing Granier solace to the government while still very high unemployment rates and crime, some 700 000 live Tabasco feeding problems and more than half of the population is in poverty. Already ordered another Banobras credit for 1,500 million pesos but not to solve these problems but to splurge on PRI campaigns. Is total irresponsibility ...
And the arrival of the incident Chiapas - was born in Pichucalco - Rafael Gonzalez Lastra to the Secretary of State is a black omen: will worsen the "law of club" that has been implemented as a method granierato harmful to persecute, imprison or kill dissidents, particularly the PRD as the former local congressman Oscar Canton Zetina, former mayor of Comalcalco May Javier Rodriguez, another mayor, Oscar Ferrer Avalos, Huimanguillo (in 2009), to name just a few examples. No doubt, repression is an electoral weapon.
already when he was Attorney General of Chiapas, one of the most intolerant governments that has had the condition - that of José Patrocinio González Garrido (and Canabal) - Gonzalez Lastra was the executive arm that ruthlessly suppressed critical and indigenous , what led to large number of recommendations of the National Commission of Human Rights (NCHR). And caused largely EZLN armed uprising in 1994.
Not only that, the Mayans lackey - it was imposed as a solicitor in Tabasco - showed his homophobic hate to be involved in Chiapas in the murder of more than a dozen homosexuals (between June 1991 and February 1993) even journalists like Roberto Antonio Mancilla Herrera, executed on February 1, 1993. Your partner in these crimes was Ignacio Montiel Flores, head of the Judicial Police, who ended up in jail. And, of course, the pattern of both the harmful González Blanco (and Canabal). All of that document and exhibited the NHRC. The same policy
garrote was applied for two years and ten months he led the PGJE Tabasco, where he arrived after the Mayans betrayed and wiped out Gustavo Rosario Torres, the first prosecutor of the administration.
And if he succeeded in tapping the opponents to the regime, obeying instructions Dominguito, Gonzalez Lastra failed miserably in the fight against crime, during his tenure at the PGJE had executed 143 and 100 abductions, 22 of them in far this year!. Besides, the wave of robberies and assaults.
On 13 April, just days before running away Office of Tabasco, Gonzalez Lastra cynically admitted that 45% increased cases of robbery, assault with a deadly weapon in shops, dwellings and vehicle theft. He said it was because of the Federation, "having abandoned the southern border." Excuses
always had to cover their negligence. Even said that the alarming crime wave you hit land was "a reaction of organized crime, because we have hit hard." Cuenteó
And with that the people of Tabasco that caught many leaders "z". That was the merit of the federal government, in most cases.
also 202 police elements were arrested, mostly for his links with drug trafficking, 2007 to date.
Still its dismal results, the puppet "Pantry Chelo" González Lastra rewarded by giving more power!. Although the order was, in fact, the nefarious Dominguito to be available all resources and all the security forces to consummate his sick ambition to be governor. Granier is a zero ...
's why I wanted more time before giving Mayans, to "lock in" good to its fans that will dip into the treasury and finance what is already in sight it will be a costly campaign. Refined and made it their "petty cash" - government agencies - of which will draw people's money.
For that postponed "Minguito" announced his resignation on 10 January this year, saying that "within weeks" (which became four months) would leave his post "because it had important parcels to meet." Already saw what they were, and have nothing to do with serving Tabasco.
had time to implement their Machiavellian plans, such as converting to a mini state PRI government at your disposal: their relative Luvia Canabal Ana Hernandez is the facts that will handle the game. Because the former Granier Legal Counsel, the political neophyte Miguel Alberto Romero Pérez, is a figurehead as president of the tricolor, arriving violating statutes. Such as general secretary Selene Mollinedo, Carlos Manuel Rovirosa Perez, secretary of organization, and Antonio Prats Murillo, secretary of Electoral Action.
I had time, too, to give it back to his villa "El Chelo" the attorney general. Since Sunday is Ramiro Tequextle Gregory, father of the so-called ruling PRI. The blatant nepotism ...
crudely, without caring in any way - either legal or ethical - the mindless Granier dismantled strategic dependencies for public life and development of Tabasco, and Economic Development Ministries (Sedeco) and Agricultural Development, Forestry and Fisheries (Sedafop) and the Ministry of Government and the Attorney General's Office (PGJE).
not forget that Sedafop Sedeco and institutions are key to creating jobs in the countryside and cities.
Why was it necessary to remove Ignacio Lastra Marin Economic Development?. (The owner of Coparmex-Tabasco, Daniel Vasquez, the change failed.) Why get Rovirosa Perez as head of the Sedafop?. Well, it is explained that is part of the Mayans to make the PRI a small but powerful government
parallel ... And in each of these two important ministries, there are already three operators during the granierato. The height of bad government!.
"Minguito" Maya finally came after four months of announcing publicly - though he always denied - that aspires to the governorship. As he is king in Tabasco, went to that interested him ... and even that battered opponents as "Squint" Jesus Ali de la Torre, who through Balboa Adrian Hernandez was taken over the PRI. Leave until well armed structure within the government of his pimp Granier. ------------- O --------------

repressor GONZÁLEZ LASTRA .- In Chiapas, Rafael Gonzalez Lastra, being attorney general, was involved in the murders of gays and lesbians, and involved the National Human Rights Commission and Amnesty International. One of the recommendations made to the NHRC was No. 113/93, after the murder of José Luis Dominguez, November 4, 1992. There was another one, for the arbitrary arrest of Miguel Angel de los Santos Cruz, legal defender of Indians and peasants. The Commission also complained (recommendation 220/93) that Gonzalez Lastra had refused to arrest those who plundered the Indian Escobar Amelia Rhodes.
And these are only some of the abuses committed by the successor now Humberto Mayans. What awaits Tabasco ... -------------------------------- -------------

* Carlos Canton Zetina is a journalist with an extensive career of 45 years. He was a reporter and Chief Information Officer of the newspaper Excelsior and general manager of national magazines Quehacer Political Controversy and Traces. Http://
Twitter: @ cantonzetina


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