Saturday, May 14, 2011

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CANCUN, QR, Saturday May 14, 2011.


+ Desgarriate Government by the riot in Cancun
+ Lies Villa confuse the general public
+ "El Piolin" is not dead ... and the governor is "sick"


... Y General Villa is still giving headaches to his godfather Roberto Borge Angulo.
"What happened in the prison of Cancun?" Column titled our last Thursday. It turns out that what happened is a real mess ... by the authorities. It condemned the lack of coordination between the Ministry of Security Public (SSP) and the Attorney General's Office (PGJE) state. More absurd is that again and you have lied to the public, about what really happened during the riot on Wednesday 11. In a colossal blunder
incurred by the holders of these units, Carlos Castillo and Gaspar Bibiano Villa Armando Garcia Torres. Because now it was not "El Piolin" the defendant killed, but "The loggerhead." And it was not shot, but with knives. In addition, there are 24 injured, and not 4 as originally touted the military.
Thus, rather than the revolt of prisoners undesirable, Quintana Roo society be concerned about the erroneous PRI governor's appointments Borge Angulo in prison, public safety and law enforcement.
already warned in this space the press: the state governor was wrong to appoint matazetas Durango in front of the SPP. Also erred in placing inexperienced characters in the Attorney General's Office (PGJE).
The facts show - quickly and forcefully - the folly of Borge perform a hasty and poorly planned militarization of police forces and prisons.
Add to this government opacity as to the timely and accurate information to be provided on sensitive issues such as the uprising of prisoners.
The sudden respite on Friday 13, the second captain of Infantry Higinio Baltazar Sanchez, director of the prison in Cancun - we must insist on clear it - depends on the state government since September 2009, is another example of the failure hasty imitation of Quintana Roo "Model Coahuila, which applied the former governor Humberto Moreira Valdez - now the national leader of PRI-a suggestion of" generalissimo "Isabel Arvide Lemon and which proved a fiasco. (The imposition of the military at the forefront of state and municipal police, and prisons, but did not solve the crime wave worsened).
Ahora falta saber si la caída del alcaide significa también un tácito reconocimiento del gobernador de que es inadecuada su estrategia de dejarle todo el “paquete” de la seguridad, incluso en las cárceles, al general Villa y a su runfla de bravucones militares que trajo de Torreón, Coahuila, encabezados por la periodista tabasqueña Arvide Limón quien --según don Bibiano-- “tiene más experiencia que muchos generales” del Ejército mexicano.
Hoy reiteramos lo que escribimos el jueves: se percibe una aparente falta de voluntad de Borge Angulo para acabar con el “autogobierno” y la feroz disputa entre bandas del narcotráfico que ya duran varios años. Aún more, there is failure ... Key Officials
incurred confusion and lies from the violent and bloody accomplished in prison cancunense between Friday 6 and Wednesday 11, which caused four deaths and multiple injuries. Both
Villa Castillo as attorney general of Justice, Juan Ignacio Hernandez Mora, lied to Quintana Roo and confused, because now is the famous "Tweety" is not dead. Well, not even correct the name attributed to the "resurrected" guilty!.
Both officials missed the truth, too, when minimized the number of injuries. Villa went on to say that only were four!.
But the chain of deceit continues: the departure of Captain Baltazar Sanchez, who was subordinate to the police don Bibiano Torreon, was disguised as a sudden "illness." Through a brief press release (is not the case warranted a personal statement from the governor or the head of the SSP?) Reported that an interim basis and for an alleged "health complications," the warden left the post he assumed just a month ago. "He was rushed to Military Hospital in Mexico City," the statement said. No further details
. He hides Quintana Roo information to an issue that affects them - and are affected - directly.
The good news is that a civilian, Mr. Ignacio Moreno Mejía, director general of Prevention and Rehabilitation, is responsible for the troubled jail benitojuarense. And the bad news: Borge does not advertise the necessary relocation of the prison but ordered the transfer of inmates to prisons more dangerous and insecure girls like those of Chetumal, Playa del Carmen and Cozumel. Simple patches that do not cure or even alleviate the disease.
On Thursday 12, a day after the riot, the prosecutor denied the womanizing Torres Garcia Villa and his own general subordinate Hernández Mora. Former state ombudsman denied that the deceased inmate is Oscar Melchor Cortés Dzul much less that it was "El Piolin", who also serves another name: Eliobet Ramos Lara. He said the murder is Luis Alberto Alvarado Domínguez, "The Loggerhead" 19 years of age. And it was victimized by a bullet, but with a stabbing weapon, he said. In addition, the injured were 24, six were taken to General Hospital in Cancun, three with gunshot injuries and others with a knife. Lara Ramos
is, therefore, who was involved in the triple murder in a jail cell last Friday 6.
After the denial of attorney, came a barrage of alleged justifications by General Villa ... on Twitter!. From your account (@ gralbvilla), the old soldier said: "In the riots there is always confusion generated by the same internal. At first, the information pointed to Tweety. " And in another little message said: "The PGJE is the institution responsible for investigating and reporting on what happened."
mean: Villa blames his lengualarga inmates. And if you think the State Attorney General who should be informed why he rushed to give a report was not confirmed?. There is another response was a result of its excessive prominence, his loquacity. Moreover
: SPP spokesman, Gerardo Campos Lopez, also entered the "twittazos" ... and lies. Through your account (@ SPP_QuintanaRoo) was quick to justify his boss and said: "General Villa Castillo said" was probably the Tweety 'because during the riot and the inmates it said. "
For misfortune of "forgetful" lackey Campos Lopez, is recorded the statement of its pattern on the press conference that offered the same day of the riot. Textually
said: "We have a once dead and I'll to say who is to know, is called El Piolin ... and owed much, had already participated in many things and had to do with the three deaths in Cancun and can say that was a settling of accounts, we do not know if it was Zeta or hairless, but was an eyewitness to the three deaths. "
The general never said that "probably was El Piolin," but he categorically as a fact. ----------- O -------------

HUMAN RIGHTS AGAINST VILLA .- repeatedly accused of violating individual rights during his tenure as police chief in Torreon, the Villa Castillo Carlos Bibiano general ordered to close the prison doors Cancun Human Rights Commission of the state. Tirso Esquivel Avila, second visit, said that this dependence two injunctions issued by the riots "in prison but refused to accept the document and we are not allowed to enter." He said that on Thursday, 16 people requested the intervention of CDHQR concerned about the safety of their families were being mistreated prisoners even though the riot had been controlled, and abuse to women who had entered the area of \u200b\u200bmarriage and the presence of children. ------------------------- --------------
Canton Zetina
* Carlos is a journalist with Tabasco extensive 45-year career. He was a reporter and Chief Information Officer of the newspaper Excelsior and general manager of national magazines Quehacer Political Controversy and Traces. Http://
Twitter: @ cantonzetina


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