Monday, May 2, 2011

Drop Body Fat Preparation H



May 2, 2011.


+ The collusion with Galan Cruces consuegro vehicle sales in Tabasco
+ Orders fell 512 trees! for running cars
+ A "mess" public transport: it is another rate hike

"For evil to triumph is only necessary that good men do nothing" Edmund Burke

Another heist of granierato against Tabasco! ...
The announced increase in public transport fares in Tabasco brought up the "mess" that the evil puppet government of Andrés Granier Melo has become to this sector but also caused one of the most angry and widespread protests of the population, over 70% use the service.
With all the civil unrest, it is more likely that the "Chelo Pantry" implement the increase and dealing another blow to the already deteriorating economy of families in Tabasco. Squeeze more fun from them again unless it is what has mattered. Unless, Now, the people put a high.
does nothing to abate the scandal granierato unemployment and to improve the minimum wage, which stalled: it had its last increase in December 2010, only 28.02 pesos (54.47 went to 56.75 pesos). With his lean
brain, Granier can not bring order to the operation of taxis, buses and vans and improve service. Given the demand for the dealers to raise rates again resorted to its tactic of blaming others for their inefficiency. As in the case of floods, their attitude is comfortable escape and blame the federal government. For now that's good! ...
Are "gasolinazo" authorized by the federal Treasury Department responsible for this situation, to avoid liability claims. Still others go with the feint. The truth is that Pontius Pilate is short before the dictator choco.
But in the bottom of the problem, such as citizens' voices have revealed underlying businesses made millionaires and illegal transport Granier in urban and suburban, as in many other areas. Along with its disastrous
kindred Transbus out juicy profits and the sale of vehicles in collusion with Sergio Antonio Cruces consuegro Galán, whose son Sergio Cruces Fernandez is the husband of Paulina Granier Calles.
The wife of alleged "government agent" Teresa Street, is responsible for the employer to persuade him to run roughshod car. Is that it loves her son. Are just greedy. God makes them flock together ...
(Galán is an unmitigated Cruces fraudster who has repeatedly been accused of selling used units as new, among other niceties).
The "Transabus" as cleverly was baptized by the people of Tabasco, is part of the chain of course ratchets state ruler. It is a familiar prey, as the vox populi says at least rogue Fabian Granier Calles - another son of "Chelo" - as one of the biggest beneficiaries.
It explains that the unscrupulous governor invest public resources to expand more and more routes that means of transport, described by his propaganda machine - That much money it costs to Tabasco - one of the "greatest hits" of his failed administration. Are worth a damn about everyday citizen complaints that the 205 service units "Transabus" is bad, slow and expensive. Today 7 pesos to the user charges, and the government would authorize a weight, to raise it to 8.
(in a poorer state such as Chiapas, Tuxtla Gutierrez "Conejobús" better quality public transport that of Villahermosa, which is ecological, charges only 4.50 pesos to cross the entire city. And the price was 4 pesos, until April 26 when it went up 50 cents. Seniors and disabled pay only between 2.50 and 3 pesos students, four).
them come more vehicles to flood the state, by any means is the slogan granierista. Because that swells more money ... with its laws, and Galán Cruces, Cruces Group owner who sells more than 40 percent of the vehicles that circulate each year in Tabasco and has expanded its empire to Veracruz, Campeche and Chiapas .
negociazo And for the sake of the automobile and public transportation, which will let millionaires dividends even when no longer governor, Granier has cut down the infamous order of 512 trees in the Industrial City of Villahermosa to expand lanes of pavement.
This is another of the dirty business that involved the Royal Family is at the wrong time at the Quinta Grijalva installed. There, the accomplice of the puppet is a businessman Humberto Mayans consented scheme, the builder Manuel Santandreu, it has been favored with many official works like Bicentennial Plaza and other Water Plan. Their companies put asphalt in areas where the government wipes out the trees.
forest left lanes expand and encourage the use of automobiles. Everything for Granier and his greedy cronies Galán Cruces Santandreu and benefit economically. What a crime against the people of Tabasco!.
Instead of promoting the use of public transport or alternative means such as bicycles, they decide to pull up plants so they can spend more cars. Just before yesterday
Saturday, a crowd of angry citizens could not stop in the Industrial City into action chainsaw the State Secretariat of Communications and Transport (SCT), headed by Aquiles Dominguez Cerino, the electoral raccoon hosts belonging to Mayans, who won the post after he was Undersecretary of Government. The official pretext to bring down trees is that it is a matter of "modernization" and because "there is much vehicular traffic in the area of \u200b\u200baccess to the city of Villahermosa.
Granier-Mayans The pair has been shown that vicious lie his speech in favor of the environment and your concerns about climate change. Again, given the example of how you can disgrace to Tabasco in just four years
The "generous" governor delivered on Friday, March 29 new taxi permits to 266 people in the town of Center. And he did it in the Quinta Grijalva (not at the Government Palace), to get there, what if Arab sheik - as it always has - the gratitude of the people and make it feel "big favor" that makes you . The eternal Rascuache demagoguery, the porridge with the finger of all days ...
is a cunning plan of repudiated Granier, where every one of the new taxis will have to pay around 150 thousand dollars to buy 2011 model vehicles with air conditioning and even GPS. Have a period of 45 days. And there it is, ready to sell, partner Cruces Galán.
The Granier-law of a whole vivales, nothing reliable. There are several complaints against him. For example, the May 18, 2010, Diario del Istmo your company published in Veracruz, "Cruces Automotive, SA de CV" defrauded the former mayor of Coatzacoalcos, Alfonso Morales Bustamante with the sale of a Hummer that was junk. The Profeco sanctioned
the owner of the company, Sergio Antonio Cruces Galán, with 619 thousand 521 pesos. "Then it transpired - the newspaper said - the same company is involved in 10 frauds, and found that sells used units as new."
And is not that a taxi business, so ask for rate increases?. Is not there an excessive number of vehicles in Villahermosa?. A brutal contradiction, explained only by the mad desire of those in power to further enrich themselves and acquire the same properties in Mahahual and Cancun (Quintana Roo) in Miami and elsewhere abroad.
The corny phrase coined by Granier - campaign promise - de “Transformar a Tabasco” se distorsiona día con día. Sí, transformarlo pero… para hacerlo un paraíso de la corrupción y la impunidad. Sí, transformarlo pero… para saquearlo.
Con el inminente incremento de las tarifas, pospuesto para cuando concluya la Feria Tabasco 2011, el Transbus pasaría de 7 a 8 pesos y las combis de 6 a 7 pesos, mientras que los taxis cobrarían desde 25 hasta 45 pesos por viaje, y los radio-taxis aumentarían 5 pesos por sector. Apenas el año pasado el gobierno estatal autorizó un alza. Ya el bandido Aquiles Cerino dijo que “todo se debe a que el gobierno federal sigue autorizando el aumento al precio de gasolina y diesel”.
En materia public transport, like other areas of the government of Tabasco, officials have engaged in corrupt thousand detriment of the public. Cerino Achilles is the most illustrious. Traffic and resale of taxi plates is a gold mine. Granierato
And has lied to the people of Tabasco, several times announced that "now" taxis, trucks and vans will provide a good service. That would have air conditioning and would end with the "collective." Pure lies!.
However, since there is a history that when people decide a change, when it is determined to put a "enough"! to bad government, he does:
The May 17, 2010, under pressure from dealers transport, Granier authorized an increase in taxi fare: 20 pesos rose to 30. But after a week of intense public protests, decided to cancel the increase.
Would you and the people protesting? ...

---------------- -------------------------- Canton Carlos Zetina
* Tabasco is a journalist with an extensive career of 45 years. He was a reporter and Chief Information Officer and director of the Excelsior newspaper of national circulation magazines Quehacer Political Controversy and Traces. Http:// Http://

Twitter: @ Canton zetina


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