Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Were To Buy Jac Vanek

TO THE TERRIBLE FIRE IN QUINTANA ROO, THE inexperience Roberto Borges! Andres Granier

CANCUN, QR, Tuesday May 17, 2011.


+ Its late and media strategy to combat forest fires two mayors protest
+ opponents ... and the governor says "attacked"
+ impunity again!: Free express of junior
By Fernanda ... CANTON CARLOS Zetina * carlos_cantonz@hotmail.com

smells of burnt ... The twenty-five devastating and uncontrollable wildfires, more than 30 000 hectares affected - and quick relief from a "junior" involved in drugs, they question the ability of Roberto Borge Angulo to govern an important institution relevant international tourism as Quintana Roo. The historic conflagration
reaches vast Mayan regions showed a late and failed strategy of the agent against a major disaster without precedent, which exceeded total and pitifully. While the release "express" the daughter of the president of the State Electoral Tribunal (Teqroo), Francisco Javier García Rosado, demonstrated the continuing impartiality in the judicial system, under the previous administration allowed the impunity of the stars of Televisa Kalimba y Ana Barbara and other influential personalities.
So aims to improve the image of our destinations?. What new news of scandal are what mostly gets the rest of the world?.
In only 42 days in power, the PRI thirties has shown inexperience in matters of politics and public administration. Moreover, his intolerant attitude begins to differentiate.
The formation of his cabinet was the first disappointment suffered by large sectors of society. It is not yet accepted the appointment - to the letter - of characters from the previous administration rather should have been subjected to criminal investigation, as Mendicuti Gabriel Loria, Fleet Pedro Alcocer, Andrés Ruiz Morcillo, Juan Carlos González Hernández, Francisco Javier Díaz Carvajal and Roman Quian Alcocer, to mention only some members of the "Happy Family" has been perpetuated in office.
And not to mention the unfortunate designation of splenetic and linguist Bibiano Villa Carlos Castillo, who recently has been featured in several scandals that also transcend borders.
Then came the mismanagement of the crisis in the prison of Cancun (the "control" is in charge of state government since September 2009), where last week there were four deaths and 24 injured.
With the relentless destruction of forests, including natural biosphere reserve of Sian Ka'an - World Heritage - Borge reiterated his contempt for the municipalities won by the opposition in July 2010. The governments of Benito Juárez (Cancún) and Lázaro Cárdenas, led by Julian Ricalde PRD and the PAN Magaña María Trinidad García Argüelles, respectively, publicly accused the governor of removing fire protection equipment to prioritize the state capital, Chetumal, governed by the PRI. (Both mayors took over April 10).
Previously, when he was president-elect, Borge was accused by the mayor of having whitish down and threatened by his refusal to impose that recommended.
remains in the air borgista campaign speech in respecting political pluralism expressed in the polls for the Quintana Roo, who decided that 5 of the 9 local time - now there is Tulum - were governed by parties other than PRI.
Besides his authoritarian posturing, the rookie governor was slow to react to the fire, which began nearly two months in the state. Until a few days ago was mobilized to fight them. And he gave the impression that their tours and flyovers by the disaster areas had the goal of "taking Photo "to release it widely in the media. Thus, their "fight" to try to extinguish the conflagration has been mostly ineffective media ....
It sparked a war of figures about the real involvement in what seemed an attempt by the state government to minimize the problem. Officials said they were only 10 000 hectares, others, like Borge himself admitted that 14 mil. Had to come to Quintana Roo Rafael Elvira Quesada, head of the Federal SEMARNAT to report that over 30 thousand hectares of forests affected, and there have been 66 fires so far this year.
the delay is regrettable Borge to act: The major problem was allowed to grow, not as it should immediately attacked. As the fire spread and smoke came to the cities (even the sophisticated hotel zone), the thirtysomething devoted his efforts to get the Tianguis Turistico 2012 will take place in Quintana Roo. Or go with a singular joy to parties like the event in his native boats Cozumel. The frivolity at its best! ...
In fact, thirty-something "woke up" until they had Arredondo complaints and concerns of the inhabitants, especially in Cancun, who along with those of Playa del Carmen and Chetumal woke up three consecutive days - the weekend - covered by the smoke.
In late April, the governor had a lukewarm reaction even triumphalistic, announced "positive results" of his administration regarding the control of fires. Missed their calculations, because then produced the worst effects of the contingency. Yes, reality
passed him ... "And when they come strong hurricanes like act?" Rightly wonder many of Quintana Roo.
On Saturday 14, reflecting the concern of the inhabitants of Benito Juarez, the town clerk, Edward Galaviz Ibarra, accused in state government but also federal machinery has been removed, personnel, planes and helicopters to fight fires in the north of Quintana Roo, to be used south of the state, especially Chetumal. "(Borge) is leaving his fate to Cancun and the town of Lazaro Cardenas ... I do not have the resources to attack the claims," \u200b\u200bhe said.
political office was not in Borge, who responded viscerally, with the liver, because - to the complaint. On Sunday 15, before participating in the celebration of Teacher's Day, described as "electioneering and partisan" accusations, while the mayor asked PRD Ricalde Magaña a "clarification." In his view, Galaviz - Member of the PAN - was attacking him politically. Moreover, said the mayor "does not agree with his secretary (...) we must remember that they are two different political parties."
the governor should be reminded that cancunenses last July voted overwhelmingly not in favor of the PRI, but a coalition government formed PRD, PAN, PT and Convergencia. The people decided that "various parties" the rule. Is not it obvious?.
On Monday 16, the secretary of the City PAN of Lazaro Cardenas, Guadalupe del Pilar de la Cruz Chicatti, complained: "The state government is not paying support to combat forest fires in this county. " 9 reported burnings, of which "four not receiving any attention." And said some 8,516 hectares had already been consumed by fire, including the reserve of flora and fauna Yun-Balam. The officer was seconded by Mayor García Argüelles, who came to power as a candidate of the PAN and PRD support.
So far, Borge has also accused the authorities of Lazaro Cardenas to be "politically attacking him" for telling the truth.
(This town, like that of José María Morelos, also affected by fires, is located in the Mayan, poorest in the state).
The society expects the governor's seriousness and efficiency. That, for example, instruct the local Congress to prohibit agricultural burning but also rein in the greedy property developers who set fire to forests to consummate their negociazos.
On Sunday 15, Borge himself admitted that some employers set fires with the intent to sell lots of land and then find the change of land use. "In many cases stifle the conflagration but there are developers who intentionally turned back on," he added. --------------- Or ---------------

IMPUNITY NEW! .- On weekend High Aguirre Fernanda García, 25 years old, was arrested by municipal police in a house in Santa Fe fractionation Residential Plus (Supermanzana 525) along with five others who were assured drugs, a firearm, rounds of ammunition and three luxury vehicles. Two of the companions of the young Christian brothers and Sosa Miguel Barragán, have extensive criminal record for drug trafficking, car theft and bank card cloning, one of whom was detained in Italy.
The daughter of President of the Electoral Tribunal and friends were in a stolen van, fired his gun, and officers began a chase that ended in that Cancun house. They were taken to the facilities of the Municipal Security Secretariat and all but the "junior", turned over to the State Attorney's Office. She was released immediately. Mayor Julian Ricalde stripped Roberto Borge Angulo, saying it made him "support requests" for Fernanda. Even sparked the scandal, the governor made public statements in defense of the girl, who in 2008 was arrested for possession of drugs. ------------------------- ------------------------
* Carlos Canton Zetina Tabasco is a journalist with extensive career of 45 years. He was a reporter and Chief Information Officer of the newspaper Excelsior and general manager of national magazines Quehacer Political Controversy and Traces. Http://carloscantonzetinadice.blogspot.com

Twitter: @ cantonzetina


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