CANCUN, QR, Tuesday March 29, 2011.
+ His temperance, tolerance and respect for opponents, challenges for Roberto Borge
+ never was ungovernable despite the many calamities that confronted
+ González Canto, "The political harmony twists we can avoid"
Zetina * carlos_cantonz@hotmail.com
The balance of the dying six years of PRI Félix González Canto, we must recognize key issues that make the difference with other state leaders: Quintana Roo ruled wisely with common sense - the most difficult of the senses, with widespread respect for freedoms, toughened and without fuss.
More than public works, in itself important, the main legacy of his administration who concludes April 4 lawlessness is avoided and the paralysis of state. Not lost its way and is undaunted despite the ravages of hurricanes, influenza and global economic meltdown, which caused severe damage especially in tourist destinations.
is time to recognize the moderation, tolerance and conciliatory spirit - dialogue rather than confrontation --- that led to the state. Neither turned the power nor the power is turned to him ...
Frankly, at the beginning of his administration, and because its youth, it is envisioned that Gonzalez Canto has those skills, which meant no lack of energy. But his courage was serene.
Now, I must say plainly, never "ripped" to the many calamities that hit the state, but rather, always faced, was present at all times. There was no deliberate absences as in previous administrations. I was not "travel" when they came the great crisis. Nor
power was used to crush political opponents. No unleashed persecution or imprisonment of dissidents. Prevailed respect to those who thought differently, even as angry critics.
honor honor: there was no pressure or threats against journalists, as the author of this column, made accusations against them or their government's actions. Was exercised to the fullest freedom of expression.
successor to Roberto Borge Angulo are the challenges. Does your youth will not be an obstacle to govern with political sensitivity, especially if one takes into account that now half the state's municipalities are in the hands of the opposition? ...
There is truth in the words of Gonzalez Canto during the sixth and final report of government: "I chose the power to do good, to help to transform, never abused, never hurt anyone, I can now look at all the front, always walked away from temptations and tips pointing in the opposite direction. "
In its well-crafted political message to the local Congress, the outgoing governor did not lie. And what good is it that the state and Quintana Roo!.
In his six years of constitutional mandate, we insist, no force was exerted against dissidents - politicians and citizens - and Felix said with this sentence: "... I understand that the democratic formula of government is starting to listen and add ideas and wills. "
The governor is right: in Quintana Roo today prevailing environment agreements, which removes the political confrontations. And it is worth remembering that the municipal government opposition was as important as Benito Juárez (Cancún) and Isla Mujeres.
For the sum of government action, Gonzalez Canto has today an unusually high level of popular acceptance: 8.6%. Means that 86 of every 100 citizens approve of his performance. This contrasts with characters that just a few months ago ended their operations in a climate of repudiation of its people. Ulises Ruiz in Oaxaca and Puebla Mario Marín in two significant examples. Felix
itself can easily walk the streets of the state from April 5. "Today I can look at all the front," he said.
Another part of his speech is very importance: "The political harmony twists we can avoid it betrays its origins and brings us closer to the productive and respectful dialogue, we are called to debate ideas and not in interest leads to weight the best thing for society rather than to the personal convenience or group ... "
addition of temperance, was the hallmark humility rarely seen in politicians of his stature. So, he admitted that he was not the only one who brought forward to Quintana Roo in difficult times when there were severe weather, health emergency and the international financial crisis - which hit the state a lot - but all citizens. "... In all this time, there was never an obstacle or challenge that this great town of Quintana Roo could not overcome," he said.
you in the right when he says Gonzalez Canto Quintana Roo is "a winner and a future state, where the best is yet to come."
As for the physical work, no small feat that, despite all odds the government invested in the six years more than 25 billion pesos in benefit of Quintana Roo. Equivalent to 21 sites every day. And in that time, the arrival of tourists decreased: 70 million who left a huge economic benefit of 30 billion dollars.
Finally, it recognize another achievement of the outgoing president, his family remained integrated. He was always with his wife and children. It is valid to the public recognition to the work done in the state DIF Narcedalia by Mrs. Martin Gonzalez, who also had a moderate attitude and service to the needy. ------------- O ------------
OVANDO EDUARDO .- In the last part of his administration, González Canto had the valuable support of the secretary chetumaleño Government, who played full conviction of the president to work wisely and efficiently. With sobriety, Eduardo Martínez Ovando was instrumental in solving basic problems dialogue and reconciliation. Reaffirmed its political sensitivity just last week when, thanks to the mediation and their efforts are defused a time bomb "like many others in recent months: five peasants were freed unjustly accused of" illegal logging "by SEMARNAT. A month and a half, they were behind bars, and a group of laborers did sit in Chetumal. -------------------- --------------
* Carlos Canton Zetina Tabasco is a journalist with extensive professional experience 45. He was a reporter and Chief Information Officer of the newspaper Excelsior and general manager of national magazines realm of politics, Controversy and Traces. Http://carloscantonzetinadice.blogspot.com
Twitter: @ cantonzetina
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