CANCUN, Saturday March 26, 2011.
+ Alejandro Jiménez Riestra, Tamaulipas, occupy a key position in the cabinet
+ illegally and was enriched with Super Secretary Eugenio Hernández
+ I live in Cancun, with its partner Farough Fatemi, ready to do negociazos
Zetina * carlos_cantonz@hotmail.com
Political alliances with the PRI, which has already elected governor Roberto Borge Angulo headed for the presidential election of 2012-your bet is in favor of Enrique Peña Nieto - would result in immediate inclusion of northerners in his cabinet. General Bibiano
Villa Carlos Castillo was not the only come from that area of \u200b\u200bthe Republic who would be on the list of collaborators that will be released on Cozumel on the eve of his inauguration as governor of Quintana Roo. (The military is a native of Durango and comes from Torreon, Coahuila).
And do not bode well: Alejandro Jiménez Riestra, a native of Tamaulipas, occupy a extremely important by the team borgista on what would constitute a surprise not only for its quality but because of its controversial outsider as Secretary of Administration of the government he led in that entity - until 31 December - the militant also tricolor Eugenio Hernández Flores, "Geno." Indeed it would again be his "political godfather" of the sixties while it is the former Villa Coahuila Governor Humberto Moreira Valdés, current national president of the PRI.
The trouble is that both Jimenez and Villa had a poor performance in last position in their respective entities. Worse
the case of Tamaulipas, as with his former boss Hernández Flores were virtually banished from his homeland because of corruption and negligence and incurred extreme narco-violence that left the company. In addition she inherited the new government headed by the PRI Egidio Torre Cantú a colossal debt. This is outraged because he received an insecure state, unruly and economic crisis.
Impunity "Geno" only be explained by its excellent friendship with President Felipe Calderon, who did win in Tamaulipas in the July 2006 elections, betraying the party's candidate, Roberto Madrazo.
Jiménez Riestra was appointed several weeks ago by Borge and his "financial advisor" and it is in Cancun, like his former boss Eugene. Along
who take their dishonest activities afloat as an officer, various media located Tamaulipas former powerful "Super Secretary" Jiménez Riestra in front of one of these positions in Quintana Roo:
1.-Department of Finance (SH)
2.-Officer (OM)
3.-Secretary of Planning and Regional Development (Seplader). SH
If you stay in, shift to who until now, and for months has been mentioned as the strongest prospect: Gongora Mauricio Escalante, current Treasurer of Solidarity (Playa del Carmen). If you go to OM, it would explain why Baduy Antonio Moscoso - who was said to repeat in office - was recently named deputy of the Supreme Audit Office, with the assurance that the owner. In Seplader would dump Zetina Paula González, who also said he would continue in office. But many others
Quintana Roo characters aspire to these three key positions in the team borgista.
Jiménez Riestra's appointment would be part of the strategy of Borge's "gamble" with Peña Nieto, who has publicly and repeatedly expressed their support for either candidate PRI, and whose group includes both elected as the current governor, Felix Gonzalez Canto. But also in that boat Moreira Valdés and "Genoa", among others.
Hernández González Canto and Moreira were invited by to join the CEN tricolor. Both would be contesting the Organization Secretariat, the second position in importance. Also included in the bid Miugel Ángel Osorio Chong, outgoing governor of Hidalgo.
The disaster that left his body "Geno" and his former partner was documented by journalist Miguel Ángel Granados Chapa in a column Public Square on Thursday, 6 January with the title "Impunity Destroyer of Tamaulipas, "referring to the former governor, who described as" rich contractor. " An account of the violence unleashed by drug cartels, rejects the "bad government" and poor management. States: "(...) public debt grew by staggering terms. Was mortgaged up to seven billion dollars on payroll tax. In total, the government of Torre Cantú Hernández received a liability for nine and a half billion pesos. " Granados Chapa
remember an issue that is in the public domain: in the last presidential election, betrayed Hernández his party (the PRI) and its flagship Madrazo. "Geno," says the reporter, "put their chances of electoral control in the service of candidate, Felipe Calderón, made that way in winning in that state, which was duly grateful, the day after the day, by the Secretary of Communications Pedro Cerisola. "
regard to "financial advisor" Borge Angulo, Jiménez Riestra, has sold well on the alleged "modern administrative state of the art" that took place in Tamaulipas, and the Bicentennial Tower Building in Victoria. This is a huge building to house state secretariats 6 and 3,300 civil servants.
However, Jiménez Riestra is accused of illegally enriching itself and own mansions and other properties in Austin, San Antonio and McAllen (in Texas) and up in Cancun! ...
To make matters worse, along with "Geno" and former "Super Secretary" and came to reside in Quintana Roo a avorazado partner and friend of both Tamaulipas: Farough Fatemi Corcuera, alias "Faruk", the government's favorite employer Hernández Flores and trinquetero a bad reputation. He was also encouraged by the former governor of that state, Tomas Yarrington Ruvalcaba, another bird of accounts. And his mind is made to continue doing negociazos as done in the northern entity, where he is accused of trafficking large and valuable land and have amafiado with Jiménez Riestra and Rodolfo Torre Cantú, former Secretary of Health, the same as being a candidate was assassinated PRI for governor. (His brother Egidio replaced him and won in elections last year).
"Drug Czar", one of his nicknames, Fatemi Corcuera marketer owns the HISA, SA de CV, which in the last year of the Administration of "Geno" was only the sale of medicines and healing, contracts totaling 87 million 710 thousand 899 pesos, according to a document the Ministry of Finance. These reports indicate that recent agreements reached more than 9 million pesos, they were awarded between October and November 2010. And they were backed by the Department of Administration, then Jiménez Riestra expensive.
But "Faruk" also made negociazos in the construction industry, along with Fernando Cano Martínez. Proceso magazine in notes signed by Gabriela Hernandez ("Paths of Corruption"), reported last June that the corruption committed - under power - Fatemi Corcuera through Cormon Real Estate Group, which owns .
Anyway, "Faruk" has a number of allegations and complaints, which date from the time of Yarrington. Never exercised any criminal action against him. For it is that protected him Hernández Flores - successor of Thomas, and the very Jiménez Riestra, one of the possible "operators" in the presidency of Roberto Borge that starts on April 5!.
Today, resting peacefully on Cancun, "Geno" expects its allies do PRI senator and presidential cabinet member until after 2012. And Jiménez Riestra hopes to regain power, now in Quintana Roo, and ... to further enrich themselves. ------------------------ -------------------
* Carlos Canton Zetina Tabasco is a journalist with extensive career of 45 years. He was a reporter and Chief Information Officer of the newspaper Excelsior and general manager of national magazines Quehacer Political Controversy and Traces. Http://carloscantonzetinadice.blogspot.com
Twitter: @ cantonzetina
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