Well, the truth is not like starting this, it is needless to say, I asked, and I really think, and who cares about this, who cares what I think, do, or not do .. Well the truth is I do not know, but I write it.
My life is not very exciting to say, do the same for everyone, just a difference, my hobby is singing! music is everything to me! :) If there were not music I would do, there is not a second that is not singing, there are times that I did not realize! ajaj:)
months ago, try to learn to play guitar, really ... painful I did not know a single note, I was not too well, and now I'm trying to learn to play the piano ... I have a few months, half playing some songs, but not because I read a score, no .. but because I see by the videos, now, I swear that someday you will learn to play, nose when, but I will learn.
Well, I sing, because I started with YouTube, to upload videos, and the truth that has been quite successful, people like it, and every time I see someone congratulates me, I'm glad, glad are thinking of you enjoyed:) I know you will hang whenever videos, until I get tired, but it's something that I love, and I enjoy watching people like (L)

this and I leave, I'm doing here a Toston awesome! haha:)
I hope you liked it!
Well, the truth is not like starting this, it is needless to say, I ask, and I really think, and who cares about this, who cares what I think, what I do, or I do not do well .. the truth is that I do not know, but I write it.
My life is not very exciting , I do the same for everyone, just a difference, my hobby is singing! music is everything to me! :) Don't are a time that i don't singing!
For months, try to learn to play guitar, really ... embarrassing, I did not know a single note, I was not too well, and now I'm trying to learn to play the piano ... touch some songs half, but not because I read a score, no .. but because I see by the videos, now, I swear that someday you will learn to play, I don't know not when, but I will learn.
Well, I sing, because I started with YouTube, to upload videos, and the truth that has been quite successful, people like it, and every time I see someone congratulates me, I'm glad, I'm glad are thinking of you enjoyed:)
A few months ago, singing in front of my school with a friend, was the feast of music, so .. I was very nervous, yet very sure of myself, I knew I would do well, when I left the stage (okay no, it was a stage, was a soil where he was the highest people) perhaps was not the best, but I Began to sing, and I liked it, saw people very Carefully, and when finished, I Stay Calm, and the experience was very good, in June, Surely you do it again, this time on a real stage! ajaj in a theater, is a party school. Well
this and let it be That maybe you do Not mind much, But I wanted to share it with you haha:)
I hope you liked it!
Well, the truth is not like starting this, it is needless to say, I ask, and I really think, and who cares about this, who cares what I think, what I do, or I do not do well .. the truth is that I do not know, but I write it.
My life is not very exciting , I do the same for everyone, just a difference, my hobby is singing! music is everything to me! :) Don't are a time that i don't singing!
For months, try to learn to play guitar, really ... embarrassing, I did not know a single note, I was not too well, and now I'm trying to learn to play the piano ... touch some songs half, but not because I read a score, no .. but because I see by the videos, now, I swear that someday you will learn to play, I don't know not when, but I will learn.
Well, I sing, because I started with YouTube, to upload videos, and the truth that has been quite successful, people like it, and every time I see someone congratulates me, I'm glad, I'm glad are thinking of you enjoyed:)
A few months ago, singing in front of my school with a friend, was the feast of music, so .. I was very nervous, yet very sure of myself, I knew I would do well, when I left the stage (okay no, it was a stage, was a soil where he was the highest people) perhaps was not the best, but I Began to sing, and I liked it, saw people very Carefully, and when finished, I Stay Calm, and the experience was very good, in June, Surely you do it again, this time on a real stage! ajaj in a theater, is a party school. Well
this and let it be That maybe you do Not mind much, But I wanted to share it with you haha:)
I hope you liked it!
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