My sweet friend Elisabeth has honored me with the following prizes:

rules to accept are:
1.-Make a post with a link to this post.
2.-Reward 15 blogs that have the characteristics specified control.
3.-Report to the winners by a comment on their blogs.
4.-Place Prize visibly or in its virtual storefront.
5.-The prize can be awarded to blogs or other Venezuelan nationalities.
But I will not meet the points 2 and 3, and I'll explain why.
it be understood:
thing I want is politicized ANY OF MY BLOGS!
Just as I am an atheist, I am also apolitical, in fact I'm a-all in-all, an-all, anti-everything ... In other words, A renegade important!
But, in my opinion, rather than a prize this is a TRIBUTE , informed me and I play here very briefly what it is.
I hope that if any of my friends are pro-Chavez Venezuelans do not be offended because it is not my intention to offend anyone, the fact that they think the same does not mean anything more than that. I think the real "democracy" begins with tolerance, understanding and respect for others and their respective ideologies.
Regarding the prize in question:
The April 11, 2002 represented the day that the people of Caracas called massively respect for the dignity of Venezuelans. It is the day that hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans of all ages took to the streets to peacefully demonstrate their support for the struggle for workers' meritocracy PDVSA (Petroleos de Venezuela, SA).
As for the transmission of the prize, one who sits DESERVING of it can take it and enforce its rules.
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