Defender of all the poor, oppressed and forgotten.
has come and today the world and cares about you.
aspires to the presidency (of the European Common Market), with banners of justice, with very great ideals, He loves all mankind.
slandered and attacked the "antichrist" is accused, offered to all men happiness, prosperity and peace.
Fighting poverty, hunger and exploitation, there is no place in this world beyond their Revolution.
Your project is not evil, seeks to build a paradise on earth and destroy all evil. Today
targets around the world with love and devotion, seeking help and support to make their revolution.
MEN AND WOMEN OF THE WORLD lose no more time and come now, all with him to support the just struggle of 666.
"the project 666 offers to solve all political and social problems of humanity and build a paradise on earth."
Creating a new economic, political and social
The number 666, from
European Common Market.
Midianápolis Av, 90-01283-Sao Paulo
Post Box 30 105 5 51 021
's conference June 26, 1986 by Pope John Paul II, eh here for articles published in the meeting on 20/05/1985
1. No person shall hereafter send a letter through the post without the number 666.
2. No person shall be employed in any company or school, but had 666.
3. No student will be enrolled in any school, without his or her parents have the number 666.
4. all souls who are not in accordance with this social compact, can not buy or sell, but have the number 666.
5. No one may sell or purchase goods or crops food easily, but had the number 666.
6. No one may deposit or withdraw money but had the number 666.
7. If someone does not admit or deny the articles of this unit, 666. death will be punished severely.
8. Any person not possessing the number may not travel with the number 666.
9. Ecumenical units are decided to travel together by passing the number 666.
10. Imports and the export will be effected by the number 666.
11. be a single international currency with the approval of number 666.
12. the unity of all churches will be held in one day, Sunday, with the number 666.
13. Poverty will be remedied for a better life, in all developing countries by the number 666.
14. No one may carry out fishing or hunting without the number 666.
15. All transportation companies in the world, will be considered by the number 666.
16. No person shall be treated in hospitals without the number 666.
This was the project of Pope John Paul II, presented at the conference June 26 1986 in Kenya (Africa). This project will be presented in September 1993. ________________________________________________________________________
BY TITO MARTINEZ (Biblical Theologian)
The Beast and his project has been in existence 666 years ago and soon come to power in the European Union.
The creator of this project 666 seeks to implement this perverse system of control when it comes to power of the European Union, the individual to win the elections planned for the European Union presidency in 2007 or 2013 and the European Union calls this the new Western Roman Empire and from the European power that seeks to rule the world.
The Latin Dominican Sosa Vásquez Miguel Angel (Michel Smiely), naturalized and resident in Sweden is his name. The Swedish businessman wants to rule the world from the European Union, among parliamentarians of the union is known as Mr. 666 and those MPs already know the project 666 published for several years on the Internet, Project 666 showed that this association writing to the European economic community on July 14, 1989 in this presentation, Mr. 666 writes the following:
"Today, and appeared to come eh world to transform and change and to also create the project 666 the just society, happy and perfect the Man has always dreamed of and has longed to know and have the arrival of 666 to power is a force that nobody can stop winning, and future is an inevitable historical event. "
Miguel Smiely summarized in twelve points which is the goal of world domination project 666:
1 . Michel nominate Smiely to the Presidency of the European Economic Community in the period 2007 and 2013.
2. Integration of countries in the European community in a new organization called the Western Roman Empire.
3. Palestinian Jew conflict resolution (peace plan at a cost of making 18 billion dollars).
4. Conversion of Israel into a spiritual center of Christianity through the rebuilding of the Third Jewish Temple in Jerusalem that we offer afford.
5. Unity of all peoples and nations of the earth.
6. Creating a new global economic order.
7. Creating an identity code with the number 666 and no one may buy or sell by inserting a microchip the size of a point on a typewriter to be introduced at the tip of the index finger of his right hand
8. Creating a worldwide Christian religion.
9. Creating a political strength and spiritual scientist.
10. Convert the land into a paradise.
11. These miracles and progress we will do in 42 months in office.
12. We will not suppress, nor to threaten or to prosecute anyone in the realization of our project 666, not even those who accuse us of being that famous anti-Christ, Satan and the devil reincarnated very falsely and wrongly predicts the Bible. Michel
is very interesting that this blasphemous antichrist few years ago sent a fairly extensive letter to the Vatican in which he makes a special invitation to Pope John Paul II to form part of the project 666 of government, ie two that would govern the world: The Pope of Rome and the two beasts mentioned in Revelation! (Rev. 13:1-18) One rule in the political sphere, and the other (the Pope) in the religious. Juan Pablo do not know if I answer this letter, but we do know is that he knows the project 666 and MEPs as well. It is very curious that this antichrist says his project 666 is supported and blessed by God and Jesus, but when he speaks of God and Jesus in no way is referring to the true God and the true Christ (But Satan) the which is who is giving inspiration and power to carry out the project 666, to full implementation in the world. When the right time established by God. Let's see what this false Messiah liar and blasphemer says about God and the True Father Christ or Messiah (Lord Jesus).
"You know then that same Almighty God that we, despite being imperfect, mortal men, not afraid. We're going to wait and face. And we think even with moral duty and right to put the place of appointment, and let Him as God to choose the date that seems prudent for such a meeting. And then wait for God that the gates of the third temple in Jerusalem that we will rebuild, but in the valley of Armageddon, to deal with our weapons and deadly armies, their powers and heavenly hosts. We then noted, in this supposedly all-powerful God will judge us in this Final Judgement, we have nothing to regret or be ashamed. And again to be created, we would realize and would support the same man's rebellion against God. " In these diabolical
words of the 666 is being fulfilled to the letter the prophecy of Revelation in which it is said that the beast, the kings of the earth and their armies will gather at Armageddon to fight against Christ and heavenly host. Consider the biblical text.
"Then the spirits of demons gathered the kings in the place that in Hebrew is called Armageddon ... then I saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies gathered to make war against the rider of that horse and against his army "(Revelation 16:16. 19:19 New Testament Tito Martínez PDF version)
See now what is the terrible and disastrous end of the beast and false prophet, as well as the military coalition to meet in the valley of Israel to engage in battle against Christ and his heavenly hosts, read the passage in Revelation:
But the beast was captured along with the false prophet. This is the one to signs in his presence, with which he deceived those who had received the mark of the beast and worshiped his image. The two were thrown alive into the lake of fire and brimstone else (the world's armies allied with the beast)
Were killed with the sword which proceeded from the mouth of the rider on the horse and all the birds gorged themselves on their flesh (Revelation 19:19, New Testament Tito Martínez PDF version)
What will happen to all those who worship the beast and his image of 666, and receive his mark and number 666 on the forehead or hand? , We see that Revelation says:
"third angel followed them crying out loudly: If anyone worships the beast and his image, and let it put on the forehead or hand the mark of the beast, also drink wine of the wrath of God, who in the cup of his wrath is pure, undiluted. Shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of saints Angels and the lamb. The smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever.
There is no rest day nor night who worship the beast and his image or for anyone who receives the mark of his name ... "(Revelation 14:9-11 New Testament Tito Martínez PDF version).
If you want to know more about this antichrist and his evil world government project 666, I recommend you visit their extensive website, published in English and English, is in its Web address: http://www.the 666. com /
Obviously not John Paul II who will join the project 666, as his reign is nearing completion, but the next pope, which is possibly the French Cardinal Jean Marie Lustiger, who is Jewish and is supported by the apostate and anti-Christian Judaism International. The last Pope of Catholicism, called in Revelation "The false prophet" will be the Terminator of the Roman Catholic Church as the betray the false church and whore, and attempt to clear the land any kind of true Christianity. Revelation teaches very clearly that the city of Rome, capital of the great harlot church will be destroyed by fire in a single hour, and never be found (Rev. 18: 17-21), the destruction of Rome by fire in a single time could only happen with a nuclear explosion. Asé be the end of Rome and the satanic and anti-Christian church based in that church!
When Rome is destroyed by fire, and the Catholic Church this scorched, then the Jewish high priest of the new world church will lead a new global ecumenical religion based on worship of the beast 666 and his image, holding that all supporters of the project 666 receive the mark of the beast and his number on the forehead and hand, to buy and sell during the last 42 months that future global reign of the beast and false prophet (Revelation 13:5), then when it will begin a great persecution or tribulation against the real world Christians who reject the mark of the beast and do not worship the beast or his image (Rev. 13:7), some will be incarcerated, and other executives, and so will test the patience and the faith of these saints (Revelation 13:10) in other words: the great global persecution cleanse the church of God of all the weeds or false Christians, and then reveal who they are and who are not true Christians followers of Christ.
The Jewish Cardinal Jean Marie Lustiger, a Jew whose real name is Aaron, and has attracted many Jewish rabbis, and the STATE OF ISRAEL, so that Judaism is closer to the papacy, and form an alliance with him. If this Jewish papist, false prophet, comes to the supreme power of the Roman Catholic Church undoubtedly form a monotheistic world!, which shall consist of apostate Judaism, Mohammedanism and ecumenical Protestant churches.
As we can see, more than likely future Pope of Rome is to seduce the Jewish clergy and the State of Israel, with the aim of conquering the Judaism for the future worldwide church based in Jerusalem. Jewish Pope
latter join the main monotheistic religions of the world to submit and they all worship the beast and then begin a terrible worldwide persecution against the true biblical Christians.
Saints (Revelation 13:7), ie we have the testimony of Jesus Christ and keep His commandments (Revelation 12:17 and 22: 16, 20).
Near the end of those 42 months of government anti-Christian world the beast 666 global lead a military coalition to fight the Man Christ Jesus himself and his heavenly hosts, and to prevent Christ reign over the world (Rev. 19:19), but the beast and false prophet are captured and thrown alive into the lake of fire and brimstone (Revelation 19:20) And then the true Christian martyrs will be resurrected and caught up (1 Thessalonians 4: 15-17), and together they descend triumphantly Jesus Christ to earth to rule the world, thus beginning the literal thousand-year period during which the true Messiah, Jesus Christ, will judge the living and the dead (Revelation 20:15) and govern the nations of the earth with justice and righteousness, along with the resurrected martyrs (Rev. 11 : 15 and 19:15 and 20:4-6) and after the thousand years of death and Hades will be destroyed in the lake of fire, and descend the new land the new Jerusalem the Holy City the capital of the kingdom universal of God (Rev 20:14 and 21:1-4, 10). ____________________________________________________________________
Note: (This secret message was sent via Internet to some of the data centers of the country).
Pope Benedict XVI has sent a message to the world from the Vatican. This was composing a message on live television CMP of Rome, which reports to the world their union with a group of Arab billionaires. This indicates that along with the group leader Jafar Kg raised the world congress to impose the dollar as world currency. As the Pope said the dollar should be the only currency with value to the world, after the year 2010, for obvious reasons.
The Roman Church: Congress Romano, the Vatican and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) have signed an Act to implement this measure after the year 2010; all currencies except the dollar will lose its value. The Pope said, "He also implemented a computer chip with a secret code in his right hand. Those who want to negotiate with other currencies than the dollar is facing a death sentence.
Benedict XVI speaks about religions that do not belong to the Catholic Rome (July 16, 2008) EFE.
The pope said he will not have mercy on underground religions, that supposedly causes much damage to the world, preaching a false gospel.
union said that the group of Arab officials, will pursue until the last consequences religions not belong to the Catholic, spoke specifically of religion Adventists, who come daily to poison the minds of the people in the world.
said that this church is the false prophet that the Bible says in Revelation.
said, these religions are gangs of thieves, murderers, drug addicts, apostates and approval of the Law 12-33 CO, which punishes with death and dismantle all of its assets, to non-Catholics and do not have a picture of Pope in his home.
This will become operational after 2010, said today in Rome. POPE
were dismissed by saying this: The world must prepare, so that from 2010 begins operation as a new power world led directly to the Vatican that has as one of the key objectives of the land clear all religions Adventists, evangelical and Pentecostal.
Ecumenical Community: EH
1) No person shall hereafter without the mark, sending a letter or parcel mail without the 666.
2) No person shall be employed in any particular company without the 666.
3) No student will be enrolled in state or private colleges but has the number 666.
4) The day to worship God will be Sunday and not Saturday.
5) No one may buy or sell, or land can be cultivated easily, but has 666.
6) No person shall deposit or withdraw money from the bank but has 666.
7) If someone does not accept or refuses to comply with these items will be severely punished and killed.
8) Any person who is not the 666 can not travel or change of address.
9) ecumenical units will gather to meet in order to control this world order.
10) The import and export is done with the number 666.
11) will only international currency, the dollar issue with this approval will be required to comply with marks all items in the factories.
12) The unity of the churches were held in a single day Sunday by world census with the number 666.
13) Poverty will be remedied by the number 666.
14) No person shall fish or married, or explore mineral deposits of gold and other, not 666.
15) All transportation companies in the world air and land travel to the identity of 666.
16) No person may be ill treated or hospitalized, but had the 666 in your documents.