Monday, July 12, 2010

What Does A Low Open Cervix Mean

An ecological design for democracy

ecological design for democracy
Author: Leonardo Boff ; Source: CCS

Democracy is surely the highest ideal that has historically developed social life. The underlying principle of democracy is: "what interest of all should be able to be designed and decided by all ". It has many forms: direct, as it is lived in Switzerland, where all people participate in decisions via referendum.

The representative, in which more complex societies elect delegates, on behalf of all, discuss and make decisions. The big problem now is that representative democracy is unable to rally the forces of a complex society, with social movements. In companies with high social inequality such as Brazil, representative democracy assumes characteristics of unreality, if not farce. Every four or five years, citizens have the opportunity to choose their "dictator" who, once elected, is more concerned with making a palatial policy to establish an organic relationship with the social forces.
Participatory democracy means an improvement on the cross. Organized forces as the major trade unions, social movements for land, housing, health, education, human rights, environmentalists and others have grown in such a way as to constitute basis of participatory democracy: The state is obliged to hear and discuss with such forces to take decisions. Is being imposed everywhere, especially in Latin America.

communitarian democracy is also a characteristic of the native peoples of Latin America, little known and recognized by analysts. Born of the community structure of the native cultures of North and South of Abya Yala (Indian name for Latin America). She is looking for living well that is not our better life means that many live worse. Living well is the constant search for balance through participation of all, a balance between man and woman, between man and nature, balance between production and consumption in the context of an economy of enough and of decent and not accumulation.

The good life involves overcoming anthropocentrism: not only in harmony with humans, but with the energies of the Earth, sun, mountains, water and forests. This is a sociocosmic democracy, where all elements are considered carriers of life and therefore included in the community, respecting their rights.
Finally, we are walking into a planetary superdemocracia. Some analysts such as Jacques Attali (Brief History of the Future, 2008) imagine they will be saving alternative to a superconflicto could, leaving her free rein, destroy humanity. This superdemocracia part of a collective consciousness that realizes the uniqueness of the human family and the planet Earth, a small, resource-poor, overpopulated and threatened by climate change will force people to develop strategies to ensure global policies everyone's life and environmental conditions of the Earth.
superdemocracia planetary This does not negate the different democratic traditions, but also makes them complementary. This is best achieved through Bioregionalism. This is a new eco-design, ie another way to organize the relationship with nature from the regional ecosystem. Unlike uniform globalization, values \u200b\u200band respects differences peculiarities of each region, local culture, making it easier to respect the natural cycles and harmony with Mother Earth. We pray that this type of democracy to succeed, if he does not know at all to where we're headed.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Baby Shoe Size Conversion


salvation through obedience,
Purification of the human race by moralizing.
The cleansing of the soul through the love of God Manifested
and preached from the 50
blessed land in Peru.

Holy Lord be praised forever.
Blessed be his name and his works in all nations.

Your brother in Christ, he recognizes that the fallacy of life has made a
be rebellious. Come and humble yourself before the Lord and serve him according to what He commands
not provoke him because he does not forgive your rebellion
Love God and live in peace.

vices does not like Hagues not hurt anyone.
Remember that to kill iron iron dies.

congregate at Israel Congregation of Jehovah (AEMINPU)
Holy City Manifested by infused knowledge of God.

does not like idle talk,
Do not tainted with the pleasures of life.

Seek God
meanwhile is at your door and you will be saved
Obey the voice of his angels to call you, scan, study and learn
not be taken by doctrines of men materials.
obeys the spiritual doctrine of God and have life in abundance.

cries and cries out to God as He hears you. Look for him at dawn and repent. Because
eh here that sin is in you since childhood.

Proyéctate your new generation
Think What will you leave tomorrow? Think
reign with Jesus a thousand years and be an angel
more of the wonderful God's creation.

Daydreams, always raise him a prayer to God before you begin your work
and thank you for the good and bad of your days, because everything's coming.

Look for God in silence, in the calm, meditation, patience, but
not despair if you find it easy not to, persisted to the end and be saved.

guide others on the right path and try to be the sheep of the flock and
rejects Good grief, idleness and vice.

Remember that with the sweat of your against you should you win the Pan
and not to the cries of your fellow man.

is free but do not use your freedom as an occasion to your flesh
Remember that the law of the flesh takes you to hell
But the law of God leads to eternal life.

All good things to learn run it, remember that sin is not doing good when you do

Praise God but the right way, not serving as you think you
serve but as God wants you to serve him, but know how to serve,
searches the scriptures and get to hear his words that are the ten commandments saints.

Remember to change the world when you start to change your first
Remember that the world and seek God, when you start looking for your first. You
dusk this soon, and the coming of God is near.
ready and not take you by surprise and in a twinkling of an eye
remain alone on the earth.

I hope God will fill your life with blessings and as of today
start search for your true brothers who serve God with fear and trembling, to keep his commandment
spotless until the coming of our Lord
Jesus Christ.

No despise the blood that was shed for the confirmation of the covenant
you, because God makes no mistakes and you're just another one of his servants.

Lend your hand when you need to do good
wisely and walk out when to do evil is not that when you fall
no longer get up.

That the eternal grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be in your heart.

Atte. Your brother

download this poetry

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Club Miosotis In Streaming

Full in the Premiere of the short films "The Eternal Story"

On Friday May 21, 2010, at 22 o'clock was held the premiere of Eternal Story (do not complain that our mothers had to marry them), also designed the first part of the Story Eternal (why can kill a child the day before the eighteenth birthday) with short films Macario Polo "Lumber."
Sensation Theater had a full house, and after the screening the group was pleasantly surprised to have new members who decided to join the Collective Antimentira, which spans several locations in the province of Ciudad Real, which promising new projects.

The Collective and published on the Internet, complete two short films, as you see the last Tale Eternal is divided into two files youtube:

Friday, May 14, 2010

Bart Hits Homer In The


Let's first begin to differentiate what is the Word of God? That phrase used by all evangelical, Christian, singer, church leaders, religious teachers, etc. If you believe that "the word of God is the Bible, let me tell you wrong.


is a set of books written by men inspired by God (2 Timothy 3:16 - 2 Peter 1:21) and the means by which we hope, consolation and justification (Romans 15:4 - Galatians 3:8); These books tell us about events in epochs ancestors if we read it literally as history and if we search we will find the mysteries of God revealed to his holy (St. John 5:39 - Romans 16:26 - Ephesians 3:5 - Colossians 1:26 - St. John 21:25) holy doctrine and it will be manifested through wisdom (Isaiah 28:10,13 - Proverbs 1: 2 - Deuteronomy 32:2 - 1 Corinthians 2:13 - San Juan 7:16).

Scripture is all that is recorded about something (paper, wall, stone, cloth, etc..), In this case the Bible in a set of scripts shaped by God through his prophets (Paper, papyrus, etc..) So that we discover what God truly wants us to know in order to truly find your way back home (Eden), because the path that many follow is that Satan has position and is by which we are now leading many to (Jeremiah 21:8 - Matthew 7:13,14).


Word is all that comes from the mouth, the voice you hear when you need something and depends on each one whether or not due (Luke 8:11 to 15)
The Word of God are His Ten Commandments, is the true word (Deuteronomy 4:13) , is that eternal universal Decalogue (Ecclesiastes 3:14 - Psalm 148:6 - Revelation 14:6), is true that every Christian doctrine, Evangelista, Protestant etc. You must proclaim and teach if it is somewhere (John 1:10, 11) These commandments are The voice of the Lord (Deuteronomy 28:1), is the truth (St. John 8:32 - Psalm 119.151)

the servant of the Lord must not litigious, but gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient, * In meekness instructing those who oppose, if God peradventure will give them repentance to know the truth. 2 Timothy 2:24,25.

According to these principles must have a clear idea of \u200b\u200bsomething to understand, know one thing perfectly, this means knowing how to interpret them, for this we must know how to perceive the sounds of each word of God, these statements we make our Lord Jesus Christ . "And he called the people, he said: Hear and understand." "For the ear tests words as the palate like to eat." Matthew 15:10 and Job 34:3

To understand great mysteries of the Word of God, requires four basic reasons essential character: Read, meditate, hold and run. 1.-READING
O READ .- continually without ceasing means studying, examining, examine, inquire, investigate, investigate, and so on. So now says: "When all Israel comes to appear before the LORD thy God in the place which he shall choose, thou shalt read this law before all Israel in their hearing." Deuteronomy 31:11.

And will it, and read therein all the days of his life, to learn to fear the Lord your God to save all the words of this law and these statutes, to do them.
Deuteronomy 17:19 And it came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up: and, as his custom was, on Saturday in the synagogue, and stood up to read. San Lucas. 4:16.
And when this letter was read among you, cause that it be read in the Church of the Laodiceans, and that of Laodicea that ye likewise read. Colossians 4:16
charge you by the Lord that this letter be read to all the holy brethren. 1 Thessalonians 5:27

2 .- .- Ellen is subject to reflect on the things we read and exploit the acquired messages reading: "Before the law of the Lord is his delight, And His law he meditates day and night. "Psalms 1:2
's book aquesta law shall not depart from your mouth before you day and night meditate on it, to observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then you will be fine. Joshua 1:8

HOLD 3 .- .- is the possibility of retaining the earlier ideas acquired through reading, memorizing, hold, hold, print, save, etc.. "Be ye mindful of his covenant forever, And a word which he commanded to a thousand generations." 1 Chronicles 16:15.

Prove all things, hold good. By which also, if you hold fast the word which I preached, are saved, if you believed in vain. 1 Thessalonians 5:21. 1 Corinthians 15:2

4 .- RUN .- is put into practice what we have learned, in this case ordered in the law of the Lord, fulfill the requirements of the law, obey, submit and be subject to the force of law. "And he answered and said unto them, My mother and my brothers are those who hear the word of God, and do it." St. Luke 8:21

Run, then, my statutes and keep my judgments and do them; by force, and dwell in the land securely. Jesus answered and said unto him love me, keep my word (run), and my Father will love and come to him and make our abode with him. Leviticus. 25:18. San Juan. 14:23.

"Now, my son, to more of this, be warned. There is no end of making many books, and much study affliction of the flesh. " Ecclesiastes 12:12.


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

How Many Cigarettes Out Of A 12.5g Bag


What Jesus has taught us? Let San Juan
5: 45, 46 and 47 "Think not that I have I will accuse you to the Father: there who accuses you, Moses, in whom you hope. Because if you believed Moses, ye would believe me because I wrote it.
And if ye believe not his writings, how shall ye believe my words? "(United Bible Societies, Reina Valera 1909)
Jesus teaches us to first meet the Pentateuch to be able to believe him because it taught him that

Now if you do not love Jesus going?
1 Corinthians 16: 22 "Whoever does not love the Lord Jesus Christ, let him be accursed. Maranatha. "(Clarifying curse is cursed or is removed from the kingdom of God and accused of Hell)

And how I love Jesus?
San Juan 14: 15, 16, 17, 26 teaches us
"If ye love me, keep my commandments, * I will pray the Father, and will give you another Counselor to be with you forever * the Spirit of truth, whom the world can not receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him, because he is with you, and in you .* But the Comforter, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you all that I said. "

And the consequence of love by keeping his commandments (which are the same as God gave Moses) is that our Lord Jesus asks the Father to give us the Holy Spirit. no other way, it is.

So it is clear what it says on Revelation 14: 12 "Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus."
(God's commandments and faith in Jesus are two elements together, it is clear that without fulfilling the commandments of God, can not receive the Holy Spirit is more, making it not abide not love Jesus and we fall into anathema)

that why the who are against Jesus as they work?
Revelation 12: 17 "Then the dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war on the rest of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ."
mean that faith, grace of the Holy Spirit and the commandments of God is a common language and a common practice and is the only way to reach God through Jesus and what He taught and spoke.

talked What words our Lord Jesus Christ?
John 12:49,50 "For I have not spoken of myself: but the Father who sent me, he gave me a commandment, what I say and what I talk .* And I know that his commandment is eternal life, so what I'm talking about, as the Father has told me, I speak. "

Who blinded to not want to accept the 10 commandments?
2 Corinthians 4:4 "In whom the god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that
them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God."

1 Peter 1:25 "But the word of the Lord endures forever. And this is the word which by the gospel was preached to you. "

Exodus 34:28" And he was there with the Lord forty days and forty nights: he neither ate bread nor drank water
, and wrote on the tablets the words of the covenant, the ten words. "

So what is the purpose of the commandment? 1Timothy
1:5,8,9,10,11 "The purpose of this commandment is love from a pure heart and good conscience and sincere faith .* But we know that the law is good, if one used legitimately, * knowing this: that the law is not made for the righteous, but for the lawless and disobedient, the ungodly and sinners, for unholy and profane, for parricide and dies for all murderers, * for fornicators, sodomites (homosexuals), for kidnappers, for liars, for perjured persons, and whatever else is contrary to sound doctrine, * according to the glorious gospel of the blessed God, which I have been entrusted. "

To whom leads God's law?
Romans 10:4 "For the law leads to Christ, and that's when you come by faith to be fair." (Latin American Catholic Bible)
Romans 10:17 "So then faith comes by hearing , and hearing by the word of God. "(United Bible Societies, Reina Valera 1909)
Proverbs 1:23" Turn you at my reproof: Behold, I will pour out my spirit, I will make known my words
. "
1 Thessalonians 1:5" For our gospel came to you in word only, but also in power, and Holy Spirit, and great fullness, as you know what we were among you for your sake. "

" Have you returned to the rebuke of God? or want to live according to the sinful world full of deceit and danger. Do you know then what is the true word of God? "


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

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GOVERNANCE AND COMPLIANCE 7 Ideas to make it easier

March 13, 2010, flight from San Jose to Caracas

I come back from a very interesting week in my life, in five days thanks to an invitation from GBM, I had the opportunity to present our experience in best practices support compliance with the Regulations of the Superintendency of Financial Institutions (SUGEF) to the ICT Directors and Managers of 7 banks in Costa Rica.

By synchronizing these conferences we carry out to fulfill a year published on 12 March 2009 and therefore its enactment. This time

summarize the ideas expressed in my visits, which relate to the need to create a manageable IT environment for compliance with the generation of a Service Management culture that promotes teamwork, respect for the customer and continuous improvement.

Title 7 ideas and talk about are those that describe below


Think for a minute that we had dinner in a restaurant, we get that there is no menu and serves us who talks about cooking utensils, ovens, vegetables and meats and fish they have. Would feel comfortable asking your favorite dish?

interesting challenge, but not easy, if we put our hand to describe the ingredients we need to enjoy dinner. Still we manage IT resources and company information without adequate Menu of Services rendered.

So to begin, we must make up the spine Lifecycle Management IT Services and the Service Catalog, which describes the characteristics and conditions for establishing clear expectations with the customer.


the Greek philosopher Heraclitus (400 BC) did not believe in things, but in the Process, said that everything changes, life moves on and is like a river in which we can not bathe twice because second time the waters have moved. Heraclitus said that "only change is eternal "

Processes and activities that comprise it, are the catalyst for the challenge of living in constant change, the processes will be the most efficient way to make IT resources on strategic activities, ie to achieve the end result, regardless of the change.

If we accept that the only constant is change, it is very difficult to provide a quality service with no defined activities and roles.

Having processes, have defined activities, roles and responsibilities, independent of the type of organization and tools or systems, is critical to creating a culture of service and facilitating compliance.

3. The CONDITION: Teamwork and Knowledge Management.
Processes are under (horizontal and cross multiple organizations) that make it a challenge to implement them, is the professional reporting to different supervisors to work in a team with a common goal which is not always equal to its organization.

other hand, a good specialist in IT, is not always a good team player and not everyone can or want to share their knowledge. This is conditioning, creating a culture of teamwork and knowledge sharing. Staff must be convinced that working together and sharing knowledge will help you improve your quality of life.

Achieve IT Governance and regulatory compliance is one of the main challenges for any IT manager and a great part of the solution is in your hands. Leadership by example should be the way to motivate the organization to focus on a culture of service to the customer service center.

5. ARCHITECTURE: Indispensable for alignment with the company:
The difference between an architecture that we admire (Parthenon, Taj Mahal, Pyramids of Egypt) and we have developed in IT to meet business needs, in our opinion, the first response to a clear "rationale." Our

IT Architectures have grown in terms of requirements that do not necessarily respond to the Business Process. Our recommendation is that we define our catalog of services according to the processes of the business value chain and do not develop more systems if the process is not clearly defined and modeled. So we have information architecture, data infrastructure and consistent with the institution they serve.

If we believe that the application of common sense and the experience of others can help us to achieve results with less effort, then we will agree to use best practices such as ITIL, TOGAF and COBIT are a way to have accelerators or enablers that make us the easiest path to service management.

Following the recommendations of ITIL for a service can be established along its entire lifecycle: Strategy, Design, Transition, Operation and Continuous Improvement, put us in a very favorable condition for compliance, audited in terms of processes and COBIT Control Objectives.

To invent the wheel if we have the experience and wisdom in these best practices documented?

7. GOAL: Meet
CobIT For SUGEF in Costa Rica, the Compliance Policy is fully related to compliance with COBIT, which emphasizes some of the control objectives in the short and medium term.

do you think if we use ISO 20000 as a lever to accomplish? The purpose of the enforcement process, are also needed for ISO 20000 certification. Therefore certification would be a great way to demonstrate compliance and filled with pride also gained international recognition in the Management of IT Services.

implementation and integration of the processes of Service Management, provides ongoing control, greater efficiency and opportunities for continuous improvement.

As you can see there is great difficulty in meeting the challenge is common sense application of best practice leadership, perseverance and teamwork.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

How To Remove Hyundai Center Console


He remembered his covenant forever, the word which he commanded to a thousand generations, the which he made with Abraham, And His oath to Isaac. And establecióla to Jacob for a statute, To Israel for an everlasting covenant. Sal.105: 8, 9, 10.

To confirm the oath which I swore to your forefathers to give them a land flowing with milk and honey, as this day. And I said, I said, Amen, O Lord. Jer. 11:5.
And Jacob
establecióla by decree, to Israel for an everlasting covenant, * Saying, To you I give the land of Canaan for string of your inheritance. Psalm 105:10, 11.

That day I swore to them, that out of the land of Egypt to the land that had provided them, flowing with milk and honey, which is the most beautiful of all lands. Ez. 20:6.

But I said unto you: ye shall possess their land, and I will give it to possess as an inheritance, a land flowing with milk and honey: I am the Lord your God, which have separated you from the people. Lv. 20:24.

The land to which ye go to possess it, is a land of hills and valleys, the rain of heaven: drink water. * A land which the Lord your God cares: they are always on her eyes of the LORD thy God from the beginning of the year until the end of it. Deut 11:11,12.

Thus saith the Lord: Whoever will stay in this city shall die by the sword, or famine, or pestilence, but he who cometh forth to the Chaldeans shall live, because his life will be for a prey, and live forever. Jer. 38:2.

Whoever is left in this city shall die by the sword, or famine, or pestilence: but he that goeth, and cometh to the Chaldeans that you have fencing, live, and your life will be for a prey.

Jer. 21:9. And surely

deliver thee, and thou shalt not fall by the sword, but thy life will be your spoil, because you had confidence in me, saith the Lord. Jer. 39:18.

pass to the land of the Chaldeans:
The converted and delivered from Israel, with justice and righteousness of God, as Scripture says. Zion shall be redeemed with justice, and her converts with righteousness. Isaiah 1:27.

At that time the branch of Jehovah be beautiful and glorious, and the fruit of the earth excellent and comely, books of Israel. Isaiah 4:2.

will raise a banner to the nations, and shall assemble the outcasts of Israel, and gather together the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth. * And he shall send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other. Is

11:12. Mt 24:31.


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Cervical Erosion Cryotherapy Side Effects


Premiere" THE EVERLASTING STORY ... do not complain that our mothers had to marry them " (2010), second film in the series" the timeless tale "by the Collective Antimentira.


Tino is a confused boy. The fears and doubts about self-torment and cripple him, or would make hasty decisions. What Tino does not know and can not understand is that everyone knows the depths of her being intimate, because, basically, is only a prototype psychological constantly repeated in the history of mankind.

THE ETERNAL STORY. .. why can kill a child the day before his eighteenth birthday. (2008)

SYNOPSIS: A cop and a psychologist, cited for trial murder of a young man talking in a hotel room on a motive. In the talk, they will unravel intimate questions of each one of them apparently have nothing to do with the crime. Or maybe ... if

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

How Long Do Temazepam Take To Work?


works by the Collective Antimentira, never have credits with names of players or coaches, because they are works where the idea prevails over the signatures. Because we believe that art should always be directed to the people and not the personal aggrandizement of the authors or contributors. And therefore it must be owned by people from the moment of creation. In a society rife with cultural cocky living one's own culture, publicizing their names as artists, patrons, or just as art dealers, our group proposes art anonymous anonymous cinema, where the parasites are not a culture place to thrive and, therefore, the works are carried out directly from the people and for the people.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Is Genital Acne Normal


"When everything is shown, and from the earliest times we know the whole truth about the intimacy of human beings.
"When this truth has been expressed in all types of art or expressive formula, from cave paintings to the more recent treaties of philosophy or psychology. "When
throughout history have had to invent inquisitions, and all types of reprisals, to prevent any personal and intimate of human beings.
"When is the human being who believes the dogmas and repression to avoid dealing with yourself and your privacy more hidden.
"When the most promising in historical revolutions men fear retake individual themselves, and end up stopping this revolution, because they insist on maintaining the moral values \u200b\u200bof society against the supposedly fought.
"When this happens, it shows that fear of man himself and his truth more hidden, is the real obstacle to any change of any kind.
"When that same cowardly men makes up stories and tales, just to justify their behavior unnatural and false, the Collective Antimentira create a compendium of films under the generic title of THE ETERNAL STORY that, with the caption corresponding try to expose lies that man is told himself, necessary to meet the fears and knowing that no one believes, but serve to quiet his soul.
The first work (2008) was THE ETERNAL STORY ... Why can kill a child the day before the eighteenth birthday?. These days started filming the second film THE ETERNAL STORY ... Do not complain that our mothers had to marry them.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Ontario Works Optomitry

The redemption is the fact redeem or free from sin or
social ills of life. It is also understood as the restoration of man from the bondage of sin
freedom for all mankind, through obedience
compliance with the Ten Commandments of the Covenant, which made our God on Mount Sinai

Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and keep things
written therein: for the time is near. Rev. 1:3. When he says, "
hear the words of this prophecy," he is referring to the ten words of the covenant, the ten words
covenant is not only the Exodus 20:1 to 17. Known
all humanity, as a simple moral law, a view that mankind has made
commit a serious crime of rebellion to this day.

But yet, our God is merciful
again in recent times has sent a messenger from him, to teach us all
things which are written in the Scriptures. The ten words of the covenant, is
consisting of a set of rules, which includes all the Divine Law
Code and that all must obey.

who is of God hears God's words: why not hear you, because you are not
of God. * Jesus answered and said unto him love me, keep my words: and my Father will love him
, and come to him and make our abode with him. Jn. 8:47. And 14:23.

And what are those words. And he declared unto you his covenant, which he commanded you to perform,
ten words, and he wrote on two tablets of stone. Deut 4:13.

therefore lay up these my words in your heart and your soul, and bind them
a sign upon your hand, and will be for front between your eyes. * And
teach them your children, speaking of them, now sitting at home, or walking by the
way, when you lie down and when you rise. Deut 11:18,19.

shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on thy gates: * To be increased
your days, and days of your children, on land which the LORD swore to your fathers
give them, as the days of heaven on earth. Deut 11:20,21.

Be perfect as your heart to the Lord our God, walking in his
statutes, and keep his commandments, as today. 1 R. 8:61.

my portion, O Lord, I said, will save your words. Psalm 119:57. For ever, O
Lord, thy word is settled in heaven. Psalm 119:89.

Hear the word of the Lord, ye that tremble at his word: Your brethren that hate you
, and I refused because of my name, they said glorified: Jehovah.
more he shall appear to your joy, and they shall be ashamed. Isaiah 66:5.

May the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you a spirit of wisdom
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Word of truth, what is truth for real? Your clarification is in
Jeremiah 10:10. More Jehovah God is the truth, he is the living God and everlasting King:
his wrath the earth quakes, and people can not endure his wrath.

all generations is your truth: You established the earth, and persevere. * Your
justice is an everlasting righteousness, and thy law is truth. * Thou art near, O Lord, And all thy commandments are truth
. * The beginning of your word is truth, and eternal is all
view of your righteousness. Psalm 119:90, 142, 151, 160.
Thank the Lord so you have to listen with understanding. It says here: Word of
true, it refers to the Ten Commandments of the Covenant, such as saying the Ten Commandments
of truth or the Ten Words of Truth, that is what must be understood. Then
know very well that his command is also command of truth, justice
really well. Then we will know the real man.
How do you know the real man? To know the real man in
see Matthew 7:24,25. Therefore everyone who hears these words and does them will be like a man
wise man who built his house upon a rock; * Y
rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat upon that house, and it fell not:
it was founded upon a rock.
He who keeps the law is a wise son: but a companion of gluttons shames his father
. Proverbs 28:7. Where says the wise man is the man of truth
Proverbs 28:20. faithful man shall abound with blessings: but he who hastens to enrich
, will not go unpunished. They realize the faithful man shall abound with blessings
means: The man who keeps the commandment of God
truth, that man, a man of truth and we do know that we have
known, if we keep His commandments . 1Jn. 2:3.
Then we will try to understand the sentence that says it was founded on the rock
, well now we read in: Deuteronomy 32:4. He is the Rock, His work is perfect
, for all his ways are justice: God of truth and without iniquity
it: It is just and right. The rock = rock, the rock is then symbolically Lord. In
this we know, he who keeps the word of truth, is the person who knows God.
As we know that we know God. And hereby we know that we
have known, if we keep His commandments * but whoever keeps his word, the love of God
is really perfect in it: hereby know we're at it.
1 Jn. 2:3,5.

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