ITIL and the global economic crisis.
ITIL, the global economic crisis, Effectiveness, Efficiency and Best Practices in ICT.
Over the last three months of 2008, the press (newspapers, radio and TV) have addressed the issue of global economic crisis, and the question should be "as" affect us and not "if "affect us?.
However, we are seeing big financial institutions, banks, famous car manufacturers, companies that were leaders in technology, is declared bankrupt and lay off thousands of employees.
Although seemingly paradoxical, this will help companies improve their competitive position in the market and at the end there is always a winner, conclusion: the crisis if we are affected, some positively and others negatively, that it depends?: The answer may lie in two words: EFFECTIVENESS AND EFFICIENCY.
Efficacy or effectiveness is the ability to achieve desired or expected effect. Instead, efficiency is the ability to achieve the effect in question with the least possible resources (Source: wikipedia)
do you think if for something as vital for any organization, including management of information technology we apply two? Is that possible when the Computer is so complex? With particularly difficult to understand and manage? With technologies constantly changing?. We believe that if, but needs to be modest, do not reinvent the wheel, accept that we can learn from others who were wrong before, in short to make use of best practices.
this have to do with efficiency and effectiveness? The answer is yes, there are best practices (ITIL) that take advantage of our organization, we will make information technologies are effective and efficient contribution to our business.
As ITIL helps us that the crisis will affect us in a positive and not negative?
1. It focuses on management Service with emphasis on the client and not the technology.
2. Encourages experts to work together and share information and knowledge.
3. Reduce rework and duplication between different organizations in the management of enterprise IT.
4. Promotes the stability of the technological platform, avoiding service interruptions.
5. Causes us to use optimally in the infrastructure of existing hardware and software.
6. It requires no investment in technology.
7. No additional staff required to provide a better service.
I find it hard to apply?, Think for a moment that you have a team of people who apply ITIL processes and through to differentiate this incident (which needs to be addressed with speed, to allow the user to continue with their work) of a problem (which must be analyzed to get its root cause.) Would not it be ideal to have a technology roadmap (Settings) of all components that are part of the service?. The advantage of these benefits only requires knowledge of the process and their activities as described by ITIL best practices.
hope to have encouraged his curiosity and think it may be a way to address the crisis. When investments are restricted and have to cut costs, it is time to think about different ways of doing things, using common sense and learn lessons learned by others.
The benefit is tangible and implementing ITIL is independent of hardware / software, ERP, CRM or network you use, will work better to provide a service and not in isolation.